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Joined 13 October 2014
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8 years8 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Building Wadalba Central Coast

They were one of the cheaper builders, what we found was all the modifications to the house were reasonble. Being a Carpenter I know whats involved in changes to the…

8 years8 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Building Wadalba Central Coast

We built with Allworth homes , overall they weren't bad. Where is your block? We built in the Gallery Estate about 2 years ago.

8 years8 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Builder using neighbours electricity supply

Every hosue we ever built we used a generator in the trailer. I wouldnt pay a cent. Your paying the builder to build a house, how he does it is…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearszook60zook60 posted:
[Urgent] Advise please - Weep hole

So what came of this?

8 years8 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Slab pour help and advice

To me it looks like they have it in the middle of the room if the shower screen floor recess is anything to go off.

8 years8 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Conveyancer not finding easment in searches.

Ok so about 8-9 months ago we purchased an investment property. 695sqm with a house positioned right down the back. Now when purchasing there was an old easemant 3 blocks…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Colorbond Roofs vs Concrete Roof Tiles (Melbourne West)

We have the blanket installed under the colourbond roof. Somtimes I have to ask is that rain? Its no diferent to our old tile house noise wise. Cost about $16-1800…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Is a Conveyancer necessary?

We have a $1200 fixed price conveyer thats about 10min up the road. We have used them 3 times now and Ive never stepped into their office. Everything can be…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
[Urgent] Advise please - Weep hole

I was under the impression that the weep holes were actually a breather for your cavity. If they have dirt up against them then its not going to breath (tryout).

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

35k is about right. We had an extra 6-7k for drop edge beam.

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Owner builder cost estimate for granny flat construction

$2000per sqm is about what I have been quoted from two central coast companies. You have to remember this is for a turn key pakage. Everything included ready to rent.

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Anyone building in Eagles Nest Estate Wadalba?

I live in the Gallery Estate which is on the other side of the eagles nest mountain. As far as parks go your best bet is the soccer ovals and…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Does this look right??

My thoughts also

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Retaining wall

Yes 34kgs from memory. I think I did about 65 by hand

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Retaining wall

Cheers just needs some paint now. Its a relatively easy system but its all in the setout.
The best part is, its easy to maintain if needed, as you…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Retaining wall

Make sure you put the posts in @1520 centers not 1500.
We have heaps of clay I had to buy a jackhammer with a clay shovel bit.

Retaining wall
9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Retaining wall

See how the main post concrete in a little lower then after that went off the next day I put the little pads inside the post for the sleeper.

Retaining wall
9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Retaining wall

What you do is concrete the posts in with the concrete around the post finishing around 50mm lower than intended dirt level. Mark your intended grass/ground level on the posts…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

We were also told that when the appliance are delivered they all get installed the next day and this is not negotiable.
Plumber did our oven because its gas.

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

Ok so you have no hot water because the plumber is suposed to take the line block out thats in at the gas meter at the side of the hose…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

Got a call from the insulation company apologizing about the whole sutuation. No call backs at all from allworth (I contacted 3 diferent people about it). Basically the insulation…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

Both the arial and foxetel were done after handover why wouldnt they tell us its no skin off their backs.

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

What **** me is I have had both the foxtel and the arial guy in the roof and they said nothing. It was getting a quote for the aircon when…

9 years9 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

Has anyone got Bernies phone number he is the maintinece/slab supervisor for the central coast. I just got up in the roof and all the inaulation is still in bags.…

10 years10 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

We got about $3600 back on flooring for the Harmony entertainer with guest from memory.
If your wondering about tiles just go down to Tiles direct and ask them what tiles…

10 years10 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

Ours was about $8-900 extra from memory due to hitting rock. Then they add the 20% builders margin ontop of the total amount, what a load of rubbish. How can…

10 years10 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

Normally the escavator will turn up first and level your block out them temp fencing and a toilet.

10 years10 yearszook60zook60 posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes

For our place there was the slab invoice for about 30k then 3@65k then the final bill of 25k

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