New Travertine mitred edge pillar CHIPPED
Building a house with this Travertine mitred edge pillar. Grout hasn't gone in yet and have noticed these two chips in the mitred edge on one stone tile. Do I…

140k for footings! Help!!
We hired a building designer and we own the plans. I have got the engineering drawings I can send you?

140k for footings! Help!!
Thanks Alex. Would removing the soil in turn remove the need for a split level?

140k for footings! Help!!
Hi all,
We've just been quoted approx $140k for footings from one builder for our new build. They haven't broken down the cost but have said that's how much the fixed…

Floorplan thoughts??
Hi all,
Thoughts on our floorplan please. The width of the house can't really be changed, but interested in other feedback.

GJ Gardner or Metricon
Hi all,
We're starting the building process in SA and like the designs of both GJ Gardner (North East Adelaide) and Metricon.
Looking to build about 250sqm single story house. Might…

Building defect - sill flashing under window on concrete sla
After opinions... builder is in disagreement with our building inspector on this.
Windows in our new build to the meals area have been listed as a defect as "there is…

Path around drop edge beam
Hello everyone,
After some suggestions and ideas about how to put a concrete path around the drop edge beam area on our new build. We are required to have a concrete…

140k for footings! Help!!
Thank you for your reply. Thankfully we haven't signed and we're still at quote stage.
Do you know what sort of price our footings might be at?

Stair and door placement
Hi guys,
Wanting to know your thoughts on where we should put doors in relation to the stairs. We need to do a split level dropping the rear of the house…

Crossover/driveway question
We have a block of land with a narrow frontage that becomes wider as the block goes on. It is approx 11.5m at 6m setback.
Question is this…
The crossover/driveway is…