Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Puppies everywhere we just got one as well

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
I think just normal or darker grey.

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
Cetnaj! $80 bucks each

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
I wanna do my ensuite again after seeing thos haha! Oh my lordie

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
Hey lovely. Honestly not alot more has been done. We've been at a standstill since we moved in. no driveway, no fence, flooring is there but only half done (other…

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Make sure when or if you ever get to do a walk through that they do your roof insulation properly! Mart got up there when we did handover and they…

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
Bit of a mess atm. Coming along

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
No frankie! We have a huge window in the media. Something we didnt look at properly. The backs too high on the couch and i worry itll fade in the…

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
happy birthday to me!! (Sunday) best birthday month everrr

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
This ones better CB haha sorry

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
a She. Thats my xmas present from mart. Forgot how stressful it was having a pup hahah. Kids can def wait!!
Yeah if you guys are ever around feel free!…

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
We finally got it!! No more fighting neighbours visitors for a park out the front!

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
Finally starting the driveway today!
Should be done by friday! Seeya later dust and dirt on ny floors!!!

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Haha the first grocery shop!
We went wild with ours. Should've seen the amount of spice jars i bought
You guys have nbn already? Jeez we cant get any internet…

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Yewwwww!!! Finally looking great girlfriend

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Omg! Your ensuite is something special women!! Love love love
All your pendant choices too. I shouldve bought you shopping haha. Your house is going to be stunning. And probly on…

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Our house was so warm through winter no drafts either! Cement floor was not an issue at all And on hot days all we need is a few windows open…

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Yeah good things are slowly coming together. We finally bought a new bed! A monster king. Best purchase yet!!
Still no carpet though haha. Just found out we cant get bloody…

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
Oh why thank you my lovely!! Been the best 22nd birthday year so far! (really 26)
Ahh yep Denver was our first choice but im being skimpy on the rest…

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
Hehe thank you!
Ive just finished unpacking it all! Too excited i think
Just gotta wait for the mr to get home so he can help move the fridge washing machine…

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
It most definitely will be!! Cant wait to start cooking
Not tonight. We both have really busy days at work tonorrow. Sleeping in a swag wouldve killed me tonight
Tomorrow though…

Our first build northern NSW with coral homes
Sorry its upside down..