Who is building at Harrington Grove?
So we have finally bought in HG and looking forward to moving there.
Once we move, one of the first thing we want to do is get someone to build a…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
As some of you may know, I've been monitoring the market in HG for quite a long time with he intent to buy. Unfortunately haven't done so yet, but still…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Totally agree, which is THE only reason why we are even considering building our own.
If we buy already finished, we are well aware that it won't be THE perfect house,…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Its a very nice house and for the most part it has just about everything we would be looking at in a house, but for us personally there are 3…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Yes its completed and we looked at it a couple of times. Overall, its a great house, but it does lack a few things we would like, although these are…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Integrity Homes...Has anyone built with or know someone who has built with them?
They have a property in Doolan Crescent which they are selling and it looks like a very nice…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Nope, so far only talked to McDonald Jones and plan on talking to Kaplan on the weekend. Hopefully, time permitted, I'll be able to talk to a few more, Clarendon…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Nope, so far only talked to McDonald Jones and plan on talking to Kaplan on the weekend. Hopefully, time permitted, I'll be able to talk to a few more, Clarendon…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Yeah we looked at that Kaplan display home and asked if it was for sale, but apparently it is not.
I actually talked to McDonald Jones…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Is (or has) anyone here building with Kaplan homes and if so, what is your feedback in regards to their pricing and build quality?
Oh and thanks for the link…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Well we have pulled out of purchasing that Mainvue house. In the end there were just too many compromises we had to make and Mainvue didn't really impress us with…

Anyone building with MainVue Homes
Thanks for that. Yeah we didn't think so either and as i said before, all we got from them is a "No" or silence.
Not at the moment. We are looking…

Anyone building with MainVue Homes
Hey mate,
Yeah this is a property that is about 70% completed and i can understand that some of the changes we asked for can't be done, but some of them…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Hey mate, I sent you a PM.

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
There are currently 3 blocks in HG on sale, one in Laurina, one in Wildfire and one in Magnolia:
http://www.realestate.com.au/property-r ... -201230709
http://www.realestate.com.au/property-r ...…

Anyone building with MainVue Homes
To some extent i can understand the reasons if the house is quite a fair bit completed, but if not or if construction hasn't started yet, then i don't quite…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Looks great. Take this block and plonk it somewhere in Magnolia, Dianella or Maculata and we would be all over it.
Why not Laurina? This block would be in the…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
The package is $900k (800sqm block, 31sq house), includes some quite high range luxury inclusions and all the landscaping back and front (although we are yet to see landascape plans…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Oh yeah for sure, but as it stands now, they don't want to give us any landscaping plans until apparently the contract is ready and our solicitor has it.
Nah don't…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
I think all of them have their pro's and con's, but I think Dianella and Magnolia are just as good if not better than Maculata and Araucaria.

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
They are apparently quite big in Victoria and Queensland and are part of Edgewater Homes/Henley Homes. I've never heard of either one of those 2 either to be honest, but…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Hhmmmmm thought so. I just couldn't imagine that any building company would be so uncooperative and based on what you are saying, my seems like my gut feeling was accurate…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
I have posted this same query in the Mainvue forum, but thought it might be worthwhile to ask here as well since a lot of people here are building or…

Anyone building with MainVue Homes
As mentioned before, we are looking at a house currently being built by Mainvue and have put down a refundable deposit. We have never purchased a house that is under…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Thanks, appreciate that.
You could always consider selling us your lot.

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Very nice, ideally that's sort of the block size we would want, but it is not a must.
Good luck with it, hopefully we will get lucky and something good…

Who is building at Harrington Grove?
Yeah tell me about it. There are only 2 available. One is quite nice but a bit pricy and the other one is not bad, but there are about 8…