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Mornington Peninsula
Joined 16 June 2009
Gold Member
14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Granite Transformations - Anyone done it?

Yes, 2FK, it would be a travesty. Maybe try & sell your benchtops on ebay. I got a quote from GT a couple of years ago for a property we…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
soap holder installation

They are not glued but drilled into the tiled wall, and should come with instructions.

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Clueless...new place need colour scheme advice pls!

You could go for either, as a lot depends on the vanity etc that you'll be fitting. If you find a nice light stone coloured porcelain they often have wall…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Clueless...new place need colour scheme advice pls!

There are HEAPS of granite colours - but yes, white tiled splashback with white cupboards should always tie in no matter the bench colour.

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Chat – For all things in decorating

ITA. Actually, my first thought was whether the table could go on the painted wall. Or is there not enough room to get around the corner? Be careful that 2…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Help we have to choose our kitchen colours by sat

Gorgeous! I really love it. The colours & textures are spot on for me.

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Show off your above Vanity Basins & Taps PLEASE,

My basins are undermount but I did find a pic from one of the renos we did about 6yrs ago. It was a really small bathroom & I notice this…

Show off your above Vanity Basins & Taps PLEASE,
14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
other alternatives for these marble benches

:: Absolutely gorgeous job! The granite is divine.

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Wow! Love your kitchen colours Henroes - and that granite is just spectacular!

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Shower shape- square vs corner cut off

Hehe. i personally like square corners and, if there was room, I would definitely change a curved / cut-off shower to square in any house i bought. Just goes to…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
The Facade Thread!!!

Moonahgirl, I think your house is lovely. i LOVE the cedar look to the cladding! If it's too brown and you want more contrast, what about painting the render charcoal…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
What method/sequence should I paint my rennovated house?

Does the $5k include paint? It so I'd be really tempted to get the pros in unless you really can't afford it.
As for the method, I find that a…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
old tiles!! bah

If your house is on joists & bearers with a wooden floor I'm a bit lost as to how the tiles are on concrete(?)
I would just get rid of them…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Did we make the right decision on floors?

I like the oak and think it will look fine. Timber floors really seem to go with just about everything!
TBH the only thing that jarrs a little for me is…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Marmoleum as a kitchen floor

I have seen the new marmoleum a few times at trade shows & and it looks fantastic. Apparently it is starting to become popular as it's apparently eco-friendly, very hardy,…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Built in wardrobes in high ceiling room

Lucky you for having that wonderful ceiling height!
I think you should definitely keep the fireplace. I like to fill all the way to the ceiling. Either put in wardrobe doors…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
SPOTTED GUM GRADE & FINISH Feature Standard Select Gloss Mat

I find it hard to comment without knowing what the timber looks like, sorry. Do you have a link to the website or something?

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
help with kitchen bench lighting

I like them all except the eva for that room - as long as they're the right size, as Michelle pointed out. I think the Freedom ones may be smaller?

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Show me your kitchen...

^^^^Horaldo, great kitchen! I think your choices of the oyster benches and the satin finish cabinets are spot on.

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Australian House Prices - Are they going to crash?

Eyespy, if you see the USA as an opportunity to invest there is nothing to stop you buying 100 properties there. However, if you are thinking of residing there permanently…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Cleaning windows

I just use a razor blade for old glue etc, but you can also try a paint scraper (just a razor blade in a holder). I find this mechanical method…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Laminex Stipple Seal

^I like this combo as well. Stipple seal is a great colour, BTW.

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Chat – For all things in decorating

Absolutely brilliant job! I love it too. That wallpaper is a winner.

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Show off your above Vanity Basins & Taps PLEASE,

:z: Yay! thanks for posting that. I thought the zip would be a lot more than $700 & I only really want it for the boiling…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Show off your above Vanity Basins & Taps PLEASE,

Hope I'm not stating the obvious but the taps that these 2 need will be quite different. The round / oval ones really need the tap coming out from the…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Flush mount cooktop

Gorgeous! I've never heard of a flush mount gas cooktop - but i think i'm in love. uh -oh..... :lol:

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
height of rainhead shower above shower screen

I think the showerhead being way above the screen would look more odd than a long arm. I'd try to have the head as close to the top of the…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:

^Really stunning, Wallman!

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
Dulux or Taubmans?

Taubmans Endure every day for my money. Used it for the first time last year and it's far better to live with than any other paint I've used. Living with…

14 years14 yearsxquisitexquisite posted:
What colour lounge

Love your ideas, Pauline. Sheer curtains would look lovely & really soften the space.
You really could go just about any colour for the lounge but to be honest the…

Joined homeone
16 June 2009

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