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301 Posts
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Gold Coast
Joined 31 May 2016
Silver Member
6 years6 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

We had to insurance our house before handover because we installed our own appliances.

When we had PCI and we were organising handover for 2 weeks time, our ss said…

6 years6 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

Have a chat to your ss, normally you can organise a cash job with the chippy, some even do it for free.
You can still hang things without extra Noggins, it’s…

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

We supplied our own appliances. Before we even signed our contract, we bought our own, we just told our sales consultant to delete all appliances, gave the specs for what…

6 years6 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

It’s up to the painter if he wants the cash job or not
Don’t know why you wouldn’t want extra money 🤷‍♀️

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

It’s been 3 months since handover!
Where has the time gone?
It honestly didn’t take long to make this house feel like home. Every time we add something, it just feels more…

  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

We handed over 3 months ago and got a hamper.
It had like a bottle of wine, some nuts and bits and pieces.
I’d much rather the picnic set but they don’t…

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes / Avoca 23 / Handover 6th of August

Just finding ones we missed.
A lot of bricks today are face painted, that’s how they can have so many different colours.
Had we known this, we would have changed to…

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes / Avoca 23 / Handover 6th of August

Those are the marks that were all over our moondust bricks.
We had pgh our 4 times to clean our bricks.
We are still finding bricks with marks.
They are face painted bricks,…

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Not a whole bunch happening over here.
Finally had the last of our handover jobs finished, but one of them actually created another new problem 🤦‍♀️
Had our back fence finished off…

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Building Grange 25 Coral Homes - Northern NSW

We didn’t get any goop on our windows because we didn’t have any render.
They still had to replace a window though, so seems stupid not to put it on anyways…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes - Modified Grange 29

Oh my goodness! How scary!! Thankfully they didn’t get in.
We had it happen to us once, hubs had not long left for work and they tried to get in our…

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

The last time my kitchen was this clean was move in morning
Temporarily swapped dining & living. It works well with our current square dining table and lack of lounge…

  ⋅  4
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

I’m pretty sure you can, but if the meter person opens it to read your box is another story.
I know growing up our meter was behind a gate, dad even…

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Thank you. I was worried it won’t all work together.
Yes, we saved money but it’s been a real PITA!!
Kinda wish we did it during the build, so then it’s…

Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

And just like that, a house becomes a home.
Ready for final move in day on Friday 🖤

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Yes! It’s so hard to driveway at night when all I wanna do is stay.
The worst thing we did was use our shower after doing the lawns last weekend.…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Last minute change to driveway, making it bigger meant not enough concrete was ordered

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Where do I even start?
Two weeks today since handover.
We still aren’t in
However the house is 90% unpacked, the media is painted, the last of the concrete is getting…

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast

I feel like your build started 5 minutes ago!
It looks fantastic!
Hurry up move in day

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Manhattan 23 - Coral Homes (Week 18: Flooring, Carpet....)

Niche looks great
But really, even though it’s slow go, it looks great.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Thank you, he sanded the walls down before he painted them, I can only see one problem with the wall and that isn’t his fault it’s just a plaster join.

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Ooh I know, it’s all I’ve heard since Tuesday when we got our house.
At least there is one room in the house he can’t complain about the paint now

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Thanks, I sure hope he did a good job, he is a fully qualified painter
It is Dulux oolong

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Hubster painted the media today.
Went to Bunnings, picked a colour in 2.5 seconds flat. Didn’t want to think about it for weeks and change my mind a trillion times.

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7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Modified Coral Marcoola 32 SEQ

You do what I did, just go and buy whatever you want
I’m only half joking.

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7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Coral Daydream 32

House looks fantastic.
Love the bigger ensuite vanity.
We didn’t know there was a bigger version of it, we got the standard size double vanity

7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast

Yep! NBN charge $300 for the connection, then whatever provider you use can charge a connection fee if they choose too.
Telstra charged us a $99 connection fee.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

Just sitting on the dining floor admiring my amazing kitchen.
Just put the first load of new things into the dishwasher who knew loading a dishwasher could be exciting.

Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun
  ⋅  4
7 years7 yearsxjanexxjanex posted:
Daydream 30. 22 week build. After handover fun has begun

It’s fantastic. It’s 2 years on the 8th of May, since we bought our land. It was a long time coming.

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Coral Homes general build thread
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