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Joined 3 August 2015
Silver Member
8 years8 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Express Two Storey (Ventura Group) build in Hocking, WA

Posting to follow. I really love all your colour selections. Can I please ask how much you paid for the laminex shaker style cupboards?

8 years8 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
My build in Serpentine with Redink!

Ok thanks for letting me know

8 years8 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
My build in Serpentine with Redink!

Above the basins I mean lol

8 years8 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
My build in Serpentine with Redink!

Does it cost extra to have the taps on the wall?

8 years8 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Dale Alcock Stoneleigh in Ferguson Valley

Everything is looking so good. Thanks for the pic of the kids bathroom, I have designed our shower in a similar position but couldn't visualise what it would look like,…

8 years8 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
ContentLiving at Stockland Calleya

Just stumbled across this thread! Posting to follow! We also have signed with content and are building in north dandalup. Have been waiting for titles for a year now house…

8 years8 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
DAH Build in Landsdale WA - PCI

Oh my lord, they are expensive. No wonder you only got them in the kitchen. They look sooooo good though

8 years8 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
DAH Build in Landsdale WA - PCI

Ohhhhh that kitchen cabinetry is like what I want. Is it a matte or gloss?? Are you just having it in the kitchen?

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Our forever home stakehill

Love the acreage builds. I actually live in Stakehill lol. We are building in North Dandalup (but still waiting on titles, we've been waiting since Feb)
What about rendering from…

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Stoneleigh Dale Alcock Baldivis

Did you have to post pics of your awfully perfect house? I absolutely love it, it's beautiful

  ⋅  2
9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Highbury Homes, Perth SoR build, Tiling Complete

Love that light in the kitchen Decka, is it the light or are the other half of the cupboards next to the fridge grey? Looks great either way

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
DAH Build in Landsdale WA - PCI

Wow, thanks for all that info SallyS, I will deffinitely be looking into it I have already got a tile picked out, but you may have changed my mind lol.

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
DAH Build in Landsdale WA - PCI

Just came across this thread, and I am loving all your choices. I quite like the flooring you have chosen. Do you think they will be kid proof? And do…

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

Ohhhhh wow, your home looks so beautiful archetto. I love it.

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Kellie's HGWA Build

Looks bloody brilliant. I'm tossing up whether to do black benchtops or not. So hard. Yours looks great. Do you think they will show up drink rings etc easily??

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:

Omg yaaaay that's wonderful news Gilbert. Can't believe they are actually tiles. They look great. Bet you can't wait to use that kitchen
Civil works have stopped in our estate…

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Ben Trager Homes – Ocean Road Estate

The grey tiles are beautiful. Congrats on you engagement too, you must be so excited

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Forever home on 5 acres - Keys, painting & pics!

So beautiful, love the crisp white kitchen

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Family Home - Bedfordale

Everything is looking so amazing!!

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
My build in Serpentine with Redink!

Loving these big acreage builds. House design looks lovely.

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Building with Ben Trager homes Eliza Ponds Coogee

Fking scumbags. Don't touch what doesn't belong to you. Simple!!
Note on the door however is quite funny, hope they can read

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
The new thread

I just keep thinking of it as more $$$$ money in the bank. (But at the same time we want our space). We've been living with the inlaws since November…

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
First time builders, Home Group WA

Wow, what a lovely big home. Will be following for sure, your selections are beautiful.

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
The new thread

Received an email today informing us that titles have again been pushed back to JULY- AUGUST at the latest. Arghhhhhh so annoying.

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Family Home - Bedfordale


9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:

Kitchens looking great Gilbert.

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Dale Alcock Stoneleigh in Ferguson Valley

Slab looks huuuuuge

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Dale Alcock Stoneleigh in Ferguson Valley

*colour bond

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Dale Alcock Stoneleigh in Ferguson Valley

Hrmmm will have a look at those colours. Thanks!! Hubby wants an ironstone colour one shed so have to match it with that

9 years9 yearsWoolyfishWoolyfish posted:
Dale Alcock Stoneleigh in Ferguson Valley

I am thinking of choosing those bricks nelleebellee but with ironstone roof. What colour roof is that you've chosen?

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