Highlands Craigieburn - HOME PHONE / INTERNET
Hi All,
I was reading through some of the posts and noticed that it can be quite hard to get ADSL 2. Can anyone tell me who they went with…
Bushfire requirements
We had to pay for the bush fire assesment in our tender which was $250. They then assess the house designs to see if you need to make any…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
Still waiting on the legislation to pass for the $32000 hopefully we should find out in the next few weeks.
We are also settling our land tomorrow from stage 83…
Hi Everyone
Just for everyone that is planning to hold off on the contract sign just be aware that the FHOG extension has only been proposed…
First Home Owners Grant/Boost
Hi Everyone
Just for everyone that is planning to hold off on the contract sign just be aware that the FHOG extension has only been proposed…
Fencing!!! How do i start??
I am actually quite interested in how people in the new estates worked this with everyone building at different times.We are actually going to have 5 different neighbours that will…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
We were just told by stockland that our land should title in about 7 days! Yaye!!!! (Stage 83!)
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
We were there on the weekend also and we have our road in and the street lights but there are still piles of dirt and trenches at the moment. We…
Contract appointment with PD
PD will try and get you to sign the contact on the date however you dont have to. You have every right to take it away to have a read…
CBA ... unconditional approval .. How long does it take?
We are with the CBA and it took at least 4 weeks before ours came through and we also had to apply for extentions to our finance deadline. Apparently…
I need a help- PD-Brick color
We to were having trouble deciding which we liked (still have not picked yet) but we went out to Austral to have a look at them there as they…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
Well we got out site cost estimate from PD and were not very happy at all. They came in well over the 10050 that CarlousMoochous is estimating. We were expecting…
PD Site Costs
Well we are building building a 35sq house with a H class slab on a block pretty much as flat as you can get (soil survey even said virtually flat).…
PD Site Costs
They were pretty standard for the area saying there was rock 1 metre down but the land is basically flat as a tack and they wouldnt have to dig that…
PD Site Costs
Hi All,
We have just received our quoted site costs and are not happy with these at all. When we raised the issue with our sales consultant they have been…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
We are building with PD and they sent us our soil results straight away. Both spots that were drilled and tested hit rock about a metre deep (most have rocks…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
Ah that makes me fell a bit better if they are saying yours should be released in June ours was the stage before and we have been told May
Need Some Advice ( Re glass splashback by PD)
We have not yet made our selection or had our appointment as yet but when we went in there to have a look around we were told that if we…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
Hey all,
Can i ask those that bought in the Stage 63 when did you buy? Just wanted to know as we are due to be titled in May and…
PD Electrical and Downlights
i asked PD for a quote today on how much to upgrade the standard light to a down light and was told that it would cost $53 and $115 for…
PD Electrical and Downlights
I was just wondering if anyone can tell me how much they paid to upgrade the normal lights to down lights and also how much it cost to add…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
Glad to hear there are quite a few of us building out there We chose stockland as delfin didnt have any land the…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
We have land in the newbury section i think it is. The land hasnt been titled yet but it is flat. We are worried about finding heaps of rock though.…
Has anyone built the Bridgeport 35
thanks everyone. I think it is definatly worth the 4000 or so to upgrade as it makes a big difference on the end result.
Has anyone built the Bridgeport 35
we are thinking of upgrading to the malven facade instead of the traditional facade just weighing up the costs to change
Has anyone built the Bridgeport 35
i was just wondering if anyone has build the bridgeport 35 and if so what facade you used?
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
Thanks for that. It does help as we were a little worried what the site costs would be due to the area being rocky. We are also building with PD…
Craigieburn Valuations
I have been reading about all these bank valuations and am waiting on our loan to be approved at the moment based on the valuation of the land and was…
Highlands Estate Craigieburn
I was just wondering if anyone is building or has built in the Craigieburn Highlands Estate? If so I was wondering what your site costs were for your build…