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Joined 30 June 2020
Junior Member
5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
What is a rough cost to raise ceiling? (refer link)

Ok. So if it’s $5k to raise ceilings of whole house to 31c but I minus the recessed ceilings so that it’s $5k - maybe $1.5k, then maybe it would…

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
What is a rough cost to raise ceiling? (refer link)

How is the door measured? Is it to the top of the frame or the top of the door?

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
Kitchen Design input

Oh wow! That’s amazing! Thanks !

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
What is a rough cost to raise ceiling? (refer link)

Do you think I should increase the ceiling Heights in the bedrooms or just leave it at standard 28c height?
Also what do u think is the rough cost for raising…

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
Kitchen Design input

What software did you use to draw this up in? ArchiCAD
I’m a draftsman so just curious

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
What is a rough cost to raise ceiling? (refer link)

How much do you think the extras would be? You would have to factor this comment from my builder:
"As for the higher walls I would stick to 31c high ceilings…

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
How do you log out?

Hi there I dont see my top right avatar?

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
How do you log out?

Im new here. How do u log out?

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
What is a rough cost to raise ceiling? (refer link)

Refer to attachment
What would be a rough cost to raise the ceiling for the Family / Dining / Kitchen from the standard 28c (2400mm high) to say 31c (2657mm…

5 years5 yearsWilliamGohWilliamGoh posted:
Recommended home inclusions and optional extras?

I've asked this question yesterday but it was a bit broad and confusing so i'm re asking.
I'm building a new house using a small Owner Builder for myself and my…

Joined homeone
30 June 2020

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