Hi Wrexter
Your garden looks amazing!!
Are you happy with the EZ grass? How did it go for you over winter? Did it stay green? Does it need much mowing?
I don't…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
My house has the same number of down pipes as it shows on the plans. No sign of leaks here yet (hope that continues!). Can't say that I…

FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey
My Blanko gas cooktop does not make any noises like that... My glass oven door looks very similar to that (the bits with the arrow are not flush with…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Hi Oceanus - I had the same thing the last storm we had, got in contact with DAH, someone from Jason windows then called and it was fixed within a…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Thanks for the update Oceanus - always good to hear how others are faring.
Hope your new bathroom floor works as it should this time - what a hassle...
Funny you mention…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Have fun at prestart!!
I would advise to be well prepared. Ours took long enough with me having everything already chosen, let alone trying to make decisions on the day...

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
GroovyOne - your pictures look great! Your flooring will look wonderful when all finished. I am finding the flooring completely changes how the house looks and feels -…

Westy's Demo/Rebuild in Perth: SOLD
Hi Westy, wow your house is looking great! I haven't followed your whole build, but how you are finishing it off is wonderful. I saw in one of…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Hi Mocha,
With our plans we just made sure all the switches and points for the electrical were in the right place, the taps were right (we didn't want mixers and…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Hope they fix it all for you Duke. What happened with the crossover?
All good for my house so far - I was surprised by how much they have done…

FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey
You shouldn't have to - your choice though, you either get them to do it (whenever that will be), or you give up and just do it yourself. Sad…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
I'm a fan of all white cupboards - I am sure it will look great!

FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey
I know what you mean with the sequential bookings... I am in the middle of trying to work a plan for that now - just need that handover date (should…

Empire Zoysia or Velvetene (Paspalum)
I'm in Perth and have had Empire Zoysia down since Oct last year. It has done amazingly. For us it is low maintenance, but we're also not after…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Congratulations Rustypup! Always an exciting time as its all really beginning, then you get the bricks and frames, and the slab gets marked out for the brickies! Don't…

FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey
Merry Christmas to you too Duke!
Pop over to the garden design section and you may find some great ideas there on soil prep, planting ideas and retic. (Don't mention the…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
I'd call them again too - it's their problem to fix.

FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey
Tiles and blinds look great
What type of blind do you have in the kitchen? - looks like something that might work at my house.

FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey
Of course we're interested in pictures!
Your house sounds great! Nice to get things done I bet.
I had some water leaking from where…

Where to buy fruit trees?
Try http://greatgardens.ning.com/ for great gardens info and forum. Same team, same forum, called Beyond Gardens.
Also have a look at this thread -…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Hi Mocha,
With our theatre doors (we have 2 separate ones), I made them 92cm wide. I am hoping it will be enough to get the furniture we want through.

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Your plan looks great - we have a similar design, so of course I would like it HUGE alfresco - very nice. …

Westy's Demo/Rebuild in Perth: SOLD
Thanks for that info Westy. I got a quote from a Jim's antenna - for a different Hills antenna, same sort of price - so confusing!! Look forward…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
To start your own thread, you can just click on the 'new topic' button. Look forward to seeing your plans.

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Sounds great Groovyone!!
What flooring are you getting?
I really like seeing it all come together in the end and be finished off. My painting has just about been finished (except…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
I get my keys this week too - I can't wait Not sure how we make them do all they have said they…

FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey
Looking great Duke!!! - nearly missed your pics as I didn't get a notification. Can you scrape the grout off? How thick is the silicone? can you…

Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built
Congratulations in advance!!! When was your PCI? All going well?

FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey
So you have your keys?? Congratulations!!! It's YOURS!!! How exciting!!!
I can't wait to be out of this build process (even though there is SO MUCH to do…