Looking for a frangipani
hi Jan
Good luck with transplanting them
Hopefully you'll be able to finda new owner for the other one
Looking for a frangipani
Hi there
It's a long shot......but we are looking for a mature frangipani. Just wondering if anyone wants to get rid of one?
We're in Perth. Please pm me if…
we have a design ...not sure what to do now
Hi there
We have a design for both our front and backyards - it will invovle footings, walls (inc retaining walls), retic, lawn and brick plantar boxes. If we are…
Dimmerable CFL Downlights.
we've jus installed some, but electricity not connected yet - wil keep you posted : )
kerb/path deposit
Hi there
we are now at practical completion but are wondering about what happens with the path/kerb deposit?
We paid this to the builder as part of our costings but are wondering…
where does your builder keep the keys?
thanks for your reply. We were worried about the risk of being cleaned out once we move in
where does your builder keep the keys?
Hi there
we were just wondering where other builders keep the house keys during the construction process? Ours keeps ours in the metre box. They say these are the…
carpets by kimberly
thanks ash. We'll probably have to book you in for a much needed clean.
carpets by kimberly
thanks ash. we're pretty strict with the kids in our current rental - no shoes, food or drink in the carpeted areas. Unfortunately vomiting when they are sick is…
carpets by kimberly
thanks Ash. No, no particular style per se. The carpet dealer was just showing me the range to consider when he heard I had kids. ie his advice…
carpets by kimberly
Hi there
I have been told that CavBrem also make a range called Kimberly that is made from the same wool but just not as dense. Would it be as…
waht type of skirting boards should I go for?
thanks for the advice. We like the look of white skirting boards too, but just tempted by the offer I guess.
waht type of skirting boards should I go for?
Hi there
we are having rosegum floorboards throughout the main living areas and carpet to the games room and bedrooms. The walls will be in Antique white with the occasional feature…
Fence/boundry/retaining wall.Possible dispute with neighbour
Hi there
What state are you in? I think each state has it's own 'rules' and governing body. I can only answer for WA. I think here, it…
Antique White or Hogs bristle 1/4?
thanks michelle. We really appreciate your help. I was getting a headache trying to decide the colours : )
OK, I've decided not to go to bunnings
Antique White or Hogs bristle 1/4?
thanks so much michelle - those colours look awesome. I never would have thought of them myself. Now will need to pop down to my local bunnings and…
Antique White or Hogs bristle 1/4?
thanks Michelle - I never knew choosing a 'white' could be so difficult. If I go with Antique white, would you recommend um "pure" white shirting boards then?
OK, re…
Antique White or Hogs bristle 1/4?
Hi there
we'd like to use the same internal colour thoughout (plus some feature walls). We can't decide on the paint colour though. Which of the two above have…
paint colours for the house using Solver paints
hi jodge
thanks for the heads up. Luckily its the painter that supplies all the paint. Just need to choose the colour
paint colours for the house using Solver paints
Hi there
Can you please recommend some colours for me? Re: paint colours - can you advise something from the solver paint colour range? Cheers
Ceiling /Cornice - solver studio white
CFL Problem?
i think my brother had the same problem at his house. I think it was due to a "current leakage" that occured as a result of ******* wiring by…
fencing contractor perth
well, when I asked them why they are much cheaper that said
1) a lot of contractors are still charging premium prices likes it's still the building boom, whereas they are…
who is responsible to fix?
thanks for your replies. No - not part of the crossover. Our garage was slightly sunken relative to house level so her pavers essentially slipped down a bit.…
who is responsible to fix?
hi there
Some of the pavers (about 10) from our next door neighbour's driveway have been dislodged whilst our house is being built. Is it our or the builder's responsibility…
fencing contractor perth
sorry for the delay in reply - yes, that's supply and install. They use genuine colorbond and don't charge extra per metre if it's on retaining walls - you…
fencing contractor perth
hi there
we've just had 70m + of colorbond fencing put in by Southside Fencing and are really happy with the results and the service was great.
just thought i'd share as…
carpet advice - what to get
thank you so much for your replies - Col nation - really appreciate te cleaning tips and the advice re:not getting too angry at the kids : ) makes…
carpet advice - what to get
hi there
have been readidng all the great advice on this forum re: carpet and underlay before i hit the carpet shops. just have a couple of questions
I think we have…
Online Lighting Places- sites & info not general discussion.
www.lightingpro.com.au- great site. If you have any queries, daniel is really prompt, and offers great prices.