5 years5 yearsalymei posted:
Feedback on 2story narrow house
Feedback on 2story narrow house
I dont think the dining is too small, its almost 3.7m long. An 8 seater table is like 2.1m.
Id leave dining as is and integrate the proposed alfresco space…
5 years5 yearsamilelka posted:
Feedback on 2story narrow house
Feedback on 2story narrow house
I suggest swapping the dining and alfresco location. This gives you one big living area which will feel much more generous and be easier to furnish.
5 years5 yearsalymei posted:
Feedback on 2story narrow house
Feedback on 2story narrow house
Are you sure you dont want to extend the roof over the alfresco though?
5 years5 yearsddarroch posted:
Feedback on 2story narrow house
Feedback on 2story narrow house
Yeah, it'd probably be nice to do some flipping, bit just part of the house, of possible.
As you say, the garage is to the south, so it's best it stays…
5 years5 yearsalymei posted:
Feedback on 2story narrow house
Feedback on 2story narrow house
Your orientation is actually all wrong. I would flip the layout.
To reduce size you could get rid of part of the living and reconfigure dining living (I would swap…