New Kitchen layout help
Storing things in a drawer is much more accessible than storing them on a shelf. You can pull it out toward you and dig around in it. Therefore…
New Kitchen layout help
That looks like quite a small kitchen for a family.
Maximising space is all about using every nook and cranny as wisely as possible. There's not much else…
Kitchen Layout for 1910 built house
I bet this is quite a puzzle because it's such a small space. Do you mean it's 3.3 metres by 3.3 metres? ...and the sink is in the next room?…
Island bench orientation help
I don't know if it's too late, but I would put all your tall units on the oven wall side. It will make your kitchen feel more open.
NEW - Laminex Form Wrap Doors
I can confirm that it's vinyl wrap re-named. They are trying to create a new conversation around it and give it a new lease on life.
Vinyl definitely has it's…
Tiny kitchen layout help
Can you move the bathroom door to access it via the bedroom?
I know this means traipsing through the bedroom all the time. But gosh, that kitchen is tiny. …
Essa Stone bench tops
I don't know if this post is too old, but I work for Laminex and can shed some light.
This is what I was told last year: the supplier in Italy…
Polytec vinyl and handleless options
I'm glad to be of service
I was going to recommend burnished wood, it's the most "non-busy" of the dark woodgrains. Charcoal is just plain…
Polytec vinyl and handleless options
Painting the top of the door because it's been cut on a 45 degree angle sounds like a bit of a worry to me. Not very durable.
Your builder might…
Caesarstone or an alternative
Yes, Caesarstone is certainly a nice dream. An expensive dream too.
Polished concrete would probably cost more than the cheapest range of Caesarstone. The concrete itself is cheap but…