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47 Posts
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47PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 13 June 2008
Junior Member



Hi Guy's
I thought i would stop and say hello as i have recently become a member and have posted the odd comment so might be best i introduce myself.
I purchased…


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Most Active Topics

14 years14 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Aircond not cold enough...what could be the problem?

I found cooling my roof cavity made a huge difference to the aircond outputs, I fitted 3 whirly birds and two strategically placed eve vents, this made a noticeable difference…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Ducted A/C Vents

These are the ones that I would like.
I know that the hole in my ceiling is round as i removed the square vents when painting the ceiling, I would like…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Opinion needed. Is this "hot" or "over the top"?

I think it looks fantastic but as said previously you wouldneed the right entry to your house for it to work.
If you do get the panther I would reccomend installing…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Recent DIY projects with piccies

Hi Mikaela,
I really like the work that you have done on that cupboard with the fish tank, well done.
May I ask what you used to get that finish, i'm impressed…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Adding Solar?

I would reccomend shopping around a bit if you decide to go for solar panels, for me this seems a little expensive however I am from Sydney and our REC's…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
painting tips

Thanks Swarvy, i was thinking the nap was something totally different

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Solar Panel Installation (Electrical)

Hi All,
I am currently in the process of having a 2kw solar system installed however the company (Solargen) i am going with does not do the complete job, they basically…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
CFL Problem?

There is no dimmer or remote switch in this circuit, it was simply a faulty globe for me.
I should mention that the lighting shop were happy to replace the globe…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Internal concrete - affordable and eco friendly finishes?

I am unable to accuratly advise if it was fresh paint or not however given the fact that the house was on the market it is my opinion that the…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
CFL Problem?

Did you find a fix for this problem or have you decided to just put up with it?
We had a 240volt downlight installed today with an energy save globe and…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Solar panel quote

Everyones quotes will be different due to your suburb zoning and recs values at the time of quoting.
My 2kw system is quoted at $4791 after selling my recs, that is…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Painting the Bathroom Ceiling

Thanks guy's
I hooked into it this morning and gave the ceiling and cornices three coats.
I forgot to mention that the pain i have is labelled wet area so i took…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Painting the Bathroom Ceiling

Hi Guy's
I am new to the home reno and painting scene so this question may seem silly but is important for me
I am about to start painting the bathroom and…

14 years14 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Advice for 3D TV

Thanks for the reply Eskay, I have decided to put the TV off a few months, in that few month wait i will pick up a the Blue ray 3d…

14 years14 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Advice for 3D TV

Hi All,
I am currently looking at purchasing a 3D TV, however I have just been informed that I need to upgrade my DVD player to a Blue Ray 3D player…

14 years14 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
black gloss or matt benchtops????

I have recently replaced our kitchen and went with the black diamond gloss benchtop and we have no trouble keeping it clean and have not yet put any scratches on…

14 years14 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Solar Panel Installation (Electrical)

Hi Willcres,
I went with Solargen, they did do a good job however I have a few friends who went with AussieSolar whom I would reccomend over Solargen
Unfortunaly I do not…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Solar panel quote

Congratulations on your purchase, what sized system did you get?

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Offroad Capmer Trailer - Your Home away from Home

Hi All,
I am selling my offroad Camper Trailer, my home away from home.
Jayco Hawk Outback
2007 model
Bed Flys,
Internal Battery,
Bed Lights,
TV Point,
85 litre water tank,
Dual Pole Carriers,
Fridge Fan,
Drinking water hose,
15 Amp power…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Ducted A/C Vents

Thanks for the replay guy's I gues i am more concerned that my vents look a little old and dated, if changing the vent type will reduce the effectiveness of…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Ducted A/C Vents

Hi All,
I am currently in the process of painting and modernising my house and would like to change my square A/C vents for the more modern round type.
Can this be…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Beacon Envirolux Triton Downlights

I have recently installed the envirolux triton in my hall and i thinks its brilliant, actually better than brilliant, so much so I sent my wife to pick up 14…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
aerial / antenna installation western suburbs sydney.

There's a guy in South Penrith, he advertises in the local paper.
Unfortunatly I cannot remember his name, Guess i'm not really much help however this guy was brilliant and very…

15 years15 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Solar Panel Installation (Electrical)

Thanks for the response guy's
Turns out that there was some miscomunication or just a lack of understanding on my behalf any it's all sorted out.
The solar company does do the…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Rainwater tanks for laundry etc

Bear in mind that there are currently some rebates on offer for fitting rainwater tanks and plumbing them in to your toilets and laundry.
I didnt take notice of where you…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
CFL Problem?

The faulty globe came from Beacon in Penrith, the replacement globe was one that had been sitting in a cupboard at home for a year or two

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
CFL Problem?

Just out of interest what brand of globe did you have when you had this problem, I had the same problem and have just changed globes, seems to have fixed…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Internal concrete - affordable and eco friendly finishes?

I looked at a house once that had the concrete floor painted, It looked quite good,

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Has anyone painted a Colorbond fence?

I helped my old man paint his colourbond fence many years ago, It was originally that horrible Brown, we painted the panels in the primrose (cream)and the rails and posts…

16 years16 yearsvariflexvariflex posted:
Pools from Kmart, BigW etc

I bought one of these about 8 years back, they are good but the filters are undersized and they will also kill your grass, all that said they are a…

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13 June 2008

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