What is this rod?
Gotcha! Thanks for the heads-up. I've not felt any shock/tingling sensations since I moved in 6months ago, but will have it checked out asap.

What is this rod?
I don't see anything else that's earthing from underneath so pretty sure this is the main rod and I agree it needs to be replaced. It's just odd how it's…

What is this rod?
Hmm, I guess my next question would be.
How do I verify where this earth rod leads to and whether the wiring to it is still fine?
I'm thinking of shutting off…

What are these Telstra sockets/cable/box? Can I remove them?
Hi, I'm trying to identify some of the old cabling in my place from previous owners and not sure if I can remove them.
Unidentified things here:
I'm currently on FTTC, and…

New FTTP NTD/PSU box under stair without drywall
Yea I figured they'll just want it as easy as possible, so I'm doing a bit of "pre-upgrade" planning. I'm happy to provide conduit or pull the fibre/cable through from…

Wet/Moisture issue around foundation stumps.
Hey all,
Sorry for the super late response (and necroing the thread)
Just want to give an update.
It turns out to be storm water which flows from one side of my properly…

Possible to "surface over" or would I need to completely rel
Hey all!
Above is what my current drive way/paving looks like towards the house.
I want to
make it a flat concrete surface so it's easier to maintain
add some surface drainage at places…

What is this rod?
No, there's only a very faded drawing of where underground conduit is from the switchboard to out on the road. No indication of earth location.

What is this rod?
So I'm in the progress of removing some old coaxial cabling and noticed this rod outside near all the cable mess.
At first I thought it's a grounding rod, but then…

New FTTP NTD/PSU box under stair without drywall
I just spoke with Aussie Boardband and Superloop.
Aussie Broadband (paraphrasing):
There'll be a pre-installation inspection on access the install. The technician usually just install in the nearest wall, then it's your…

New FTTP NTD/PSU box under stair without drywall
Good idea on the ply surface!
I had a look around and noticed there's setup where PSU and NTD is within one small unit (~25cm x ~20cm?), but there's also ones…

New FTTP NTD/PSU box under stair without drywall
Hi all,
Does anyone know if it's possible to install FTTP's NTD/PSU box on places without dry walls? Ie. directly onto a stud?
I have a storage area underneath my stair which…

Wet/Moisture issue around foundation stumps.
Hi all,
I have an issue with my building foundation where some movement seen to have occurred around the stumps.
I had a few restump/releveling builder who came to check out the…