9 years9 yearsElite01 posted:
Building our new Amalfi 532
Building our new Amalfi 532
Yes Haynes was suggested but they also said that everything that they have in the showroom they have at Haynes so nothing different. We asked if we can source from…
9 years9 yearsjspitz posted:
Has anyone extende Driveway/Crossover?
Has anyone extende Driveway/Crossover?
Hi, it depends on each individual council how wide they will allow the crossover and how close it is to nature strip trees, drains etc. We are trying to…
9 years9 yearsStewie D posted:
Statutory easements
Statutory easements
In most NSW urban areas the councils will hold info regarding easements if they are major infrastructure like Sydney Water main sewer lines passing through your property. They will also…