Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
On a different note. ..
There's some good news for us fellow brimbank gardeners. . Our little estate is plugging away quite well.
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-n ... 6308562303

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Lol .. Joey..
metals and mining .. shouldn't you be up north ..

solar panels - are they worth it?
Thanks for that - browsed most of the info there over the weekend,
Getting brain damage reading all the various posts -
just resting at work now.

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Really ??
15 years -
I would hazard a guess it would be a lot less. ..
i'll have to look into it .. .as our elec bills, tend to…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
hey everyone.. what the .. . been away for a wii while after our break . .
and noticed all this new buildings going on . . lol . .
I noticed…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
That's just tragic to read, so sad for the family losing the Dad.

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
good find on the article there reaver.
interesting it's this whole area, though i haven't really noticed it in our Brimbank in recent weeks to be honest.

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Good guys. that's good news. . sounds like they are gearing to setup that corner as a homemaker centre.
I would assume Good guys wouldn't just setup alone without other…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
mmm .. I heard Aldi . . . which im hoping will be soonish . .
but who knows. . .the Caltex being built across the road from Coles, I had…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
* Forgot to mention this earlier ,
fairly loyal with my chinese orders i must say . .
Gold Leaf on ballarat road. ..
otherwise a trip to footscray for Jimmy Wong's…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Agreed with the M&M burgers. . we've had several takeaways recently, not bad.
though we tend to make a trip to highpoint , for Grilld - lol . . .love it…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Umm, lol .. im not that aufaye with Old Pub rules.. .
could you please explain . . .
on a different note. . how's…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Moving along from the Purple house .. lol..
Yes. . i think the contractor working around Brimbank Gardens - will be finishing up shortly - and it will all be handed…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
** From the article linked earlier
Top 20 Growth Suburbs - 1 Year ( Suburb/2011 Median/2010 Median/Change)
1 Derrimut $460,000/$400,000 15.0%
2 Healesville $421,000/$372,500 13.0%
3 Fitzroy $912,500/$835,000 9.3%
4 Taylors Lakes $510,000/$470,000 8.5%
5 Melton…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
completely relevant. . LOL. . as that was the question asked..
but wow. . 7pm for the latest bus . .that's pretty ordinary..
That's what we get for being a safe labour…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
I thought i submitted a post earlier, but it didn't show..lol . . here it goes earlier..
(Making assumptions here) from reading earlier - It seemed that everyone living in BG…

solar panels - are they worth it?
speaking of solar panels -
Saw on the Tv -Great solar, advertising a 1.5kw system for $990 -
and in the herald sun today , 3 kw system for $3990

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
* speaking of - solar panels, as there is another post floating around -
Has anyone around Brimbank had solar panels installed ?
with who ..
how many kw's . .

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Lol . .i've seen those tyre marks. . . it's massive.
must've smoked out the whole estate.
On a different note, good news with the 17.5% increase in median…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
mmm.. i guess the burglary that goes on , happens in all the different suburbs. .
bummer it happens though..
Adam - thanks for the info buddy..
I am with 3 currently,…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Greetings everyone.. .
happy new year to fellow brimbank gardeners ..
must be frustrating . .waiting for your landscaping to be done for the nature strip . . lol .…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
LOL .. that's so Random . . "showing discontent at the oval ..."
it's so bizarre .. its gota be true. . . there's no other reason for…

Little Spiders
I would also say, if you are going to do the barrier surface spray -
Prior to doing so , use the mortein insect bomb thingy that they're advertising.. just to…

Very happy with Trubuilt Homes. Requesting Security Doors
that's great news to hear about your build. . always nice to read positive stories concerning a builder and them doing their part in ensuring you have the dream home…

Concreting driveway
In a nutshell, all of your questions - Yes...
I did all the concreting .. subsequently, all the bits and pieces at a later date.…

Cost of driveway
hmm, the 4.5k sounds a bit more reasonable ...given it's just your driveway. .
are you getting anything else done ?
If it's exposed aggregate, have they given you a choice of…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
speaking of hospitality ..
After several ordinary orders , Definitely will not be going to the Fish n chips shop near coles...
let's see, Burger with the lot. . .missing an…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
Speaking of watering holes. . this is a random point...
There is a Derrimut hotel in sunshine, right next door to the Sunshine train station . .
I've always thought…

Brimbank Gardens, Derrimut VIC
agreed .. Foley Road end, it's like a whole new suburb - Drive past there semi regularly on the way to Iga, and it's like a boom town there with…