Real time energy monitoring
I only needed something simple to get to grips with my energy profile, to help me determine what kind of solar I need. Did its job well enough, although there…

CAT6 Wiring cost "per point"
It's normal for builders to charge "per cable run" as opposed to "per outlet". I just had to suck it up, given it's going to cost much more doing after…

Latest recommendations on wireless cameras
+1 to what Bels said. WiFi cams are also cheap/easy to defeat.
That said, I use HikVision cams (you can get wired PoE and WiFi models)

Home Technology Hub
I've been hanging on for the Aeonlabs smartfilm product, which has been in the pipeline since 2013. It's a z-wave enabled switchable privacy film which you can apply to any…

Raspberry Pi/Arduino and other Roll Your Own Home Automation
I'll kick off with projects on my list:
- Rainwater tank level sensor
Using an NodeMCU/ESP8266 (WiFi) and an ultrasonic sensor
- Car garage parking distance sensor

Home Technology Hub
Sure, they have value if you want a quick peek outside, or if you want to see when your cat is coming/going, but as for theft deterrent value, get a…

Did you leave your garage door open?
Z-Wave user here with garage door sensor. I can testify this work well. You need a controller hub ($200+), plus a sensor ($60+) to get started.
You can add stuff like…

Home Technology Hub
I've gone down the z-wave route. I see z-wave as offering the following advantages:
1) Low power. This isn't so much of an issue with devices that are mains powered, but…

Real time energy monitoring
Can anyone suggest a real time energy monitoring solution? I need this to be instantaneous (rather than a delayed data stream) because I want to go beyond energy profiling, and…

Home Technology Hub
Saturn switches are nice, but I actually didn't get them. I've got the standard range with Impress switches. I wanted to keep all the faceplates consistent, including the ethernet, but…

Cable Internet connection on new build
Just out of curosity, how far is it from your private power pole to your house structure? For reference, ours is about 6-7 metres, and we're able to have optus…

Home Technology Hub
I find a single Ubiquiti UniFi access point works a treat for every square inch of my 43 sq house..... and the back yard, and the neighbours house. And that's…

Pacom, Bosch or Samsung CCTV
+1 for Hikvision. It's at a good price/quality point

Home Technology Hub
I'd also recommend the z-wave modules as other have. They can be retro fitted into existing fittings without running extra cables, and easily installed by an electrician.
They can also…

Real time energy monitoring
Thanks dolphinblu, that's who I've gone with. The system is ok, but it does seem to overestimate the usage compare to the electricity…

Cost to install a cctv system for a double storey house?
During the build, I provisioned for CAT6 network cable to be run to all camera points. This cable feeds data from the camera and supplies power to it, but you…

Home Technology Hub
Why limit yourself to an in-wall device? Coz when someone rings the doorbell, you still need to get up from the sofa and look at the in-wall device (yes, I…

Raspberry Pi/Arduino and other Roll Your Own Home Automation
I think the Pi is easier to start programming on compared to the Arduino, and with the Pi Zero, it's a cheap option

Raspberry Pi/Arduino and other Roll Your Own Home Automation
This thread is aimed at people who are interested in making and programming their own Home Automation/IoT devices using platforms like Raspberry Pi/Arduino etc platforms. Use this to discuss device…

Home Technology Hub
Would there be enough interest if I start a thread on Roll Your Own HA devices (with RPi/Arduino/ESP etc)?

Home Technology Hub
Wunderground has an API, and loads of contributing stations in AU

Home Technology Hub
The LaCrosse weather stations are relatively cheap, and apparently very hackable. It's on the project list, just need to find the time
For anyone with the inclination and knowhow...

Home Technology Hub
I would never personally rely on anything wireless for theft prevention and detection. I see their value purely as a deterrent on the same level as a dummy camera. They're…

Cypress pine or eco timber for raised garden beds
I'm about to build a raised bed as well, and I'm currently tending towards option number 3: textured concrete sleepers, like the Ridgi system (it costs far more then timber…

re: taking delivery of a new home - defects rectification
I agree, having to reset the system yourself is not ideal, but given the priority you've placed on this and the shutdown period, it allows you to work around it.…

re: taking delivery of a new home - defects rectification
As you can see on page 13, powering on with the reset pin will take you into directly into installer mode where you can set a new installer code without…

re: taking delivery of a new home - defects rectification
Assuming you're on a Ness system, look at Page 13, it'll do what you want http://nesscorporation.com/Installation ... rev7.7.pdf

re: taking delivery of a new home - defects rectification
The relevany alarm codes should have been given to you at handover. You shouldn't need the installer code to operate the alarm, because that's for .... installers. If you haven't…

Home Technology Hub
My 2c worth from above redacted quote...
Door Lock: if you're going down the z-wave route, I'd suggest the Lockwood z-wave deadbolt. I totally love it. On related topic, I got…

Machining tolerances of decking timber
I bought 140x19 Merbau for a deck from a company, and some of the milling seems to be a bit off. On quite a few lengths, toward the end (up…