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34 Posts
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Joined 29 November 2019
Junior Member

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Sell with agent or no agent
8 Posts
Stormwater connection
1 Post
Council quotes
1 Post
3 Posts
4 years4 yearstouriertourier posted:
Council quotes

When getting quotes from a council to connect to services, are they meant to provide a transparent itemised quote?
Is there a regulatory body that can give advice on council's responsibility

4 years4 yearstouriertourier posted:

If council give a quote and you accept it, can they decide to increase it halfway through once work has begun?

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Trees on the boundary of the land

Also look at your council regulations on trees, there may be a limit on how close to boundary the tree is allowed to be.
If the trees are on neighbour…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Stormwater connection

How does council assist block owner in installing a stormwater connection to council reticulated stormwater system when the developer did not put one in

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Contract Breach - Easement not listed

Have you purchased the property? Or is it still in.offer stage?

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Utility easement

Can I sell the right of way to said person?

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
planting in the easement

I think, but may be wrong, you can plant shrubs but not trees, and 2m from easement. Check with utility or council

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Onsite water detention osd costs

That we certainly cannot afford!

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Onsite water detention osd costs

The developer sold it to someone who we bought it off.
There is a block above us that runs onto us.
Developer directly below us.
Road also runs onto us. that is meant…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Onsite water detention osd costs

Thank you for replies.

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Onsite water detention osd costs

Thank you, unsure of council requirements, will find out. They are on holiday today.
The alternative is get permission from taswater to use their easement and permission from landowner to access…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Onsite water detention osd costs

How much does onsite stormwater detention cost OSD
1. For design
2. For installing
We have a 4000m2 block on a slight gradient.
Rainfall 695mm per annum
No stormwater point on block.
Cabin to be…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Modular build with Archiblox

How was finished product and forgive me for asking total cost?
Looking at prefab

4 years4 yearstouriertourier posted:
Sell with agent or no agent

Please can you let me know the pros and cons of selling with or without agent

4 years4 yearstouriertourier posted:
Stormwater connection

Cleared block.
No stormwater connection.
Need connection to build.
However, do I need to put in a development application for a dwelling in order to connect to council stormwater system?

4 years4 yearstouriertourier posted:

It was for connection to essential services on empty block that developer failed to connect to. Was ticked off as ok and colleague bought block. Now colleague was told by…

tourier followed:
5 years5 years
5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Trees on the boundary of the land

Whose land are the tree's 43 and 46 on?

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:

Our council are trying to say that we are developers as we bought a block of land without a stormwater discharge point that they passed for subdivision and we are…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:

Our council are trying to say that we are developers as we be bought a block of land without a stormwater discharge point that they passed for subdivision and we…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:

Is a personal home builder a developer?
IE if I am building My home am I a developer?
What is the definition of a developer?

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Utility easement

Neighbour is set to install water pipes along right of carriageway without the consent of four landowners of four blocks the ROW crosses!
The water utilities are being moved from…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Utility easement

Water supply, Tas water pipe running over sold block, no easement, installed many years ago.

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Utility easement

Thanks for reply, said person has water on a block he sold. New owner wants it off so said person Wants to put it on his right of way, my…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Utility easement

Can someone create a utility easement on my land which is also acting as a right of way for said person? Do they need my permission?

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Stormwater issue

The other post was initially about OSD
Subdivider sold to first buyer who then sold it onto me a year or so later
Will contact council

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Onsite water detention osd costs

Council requirements for this subdivision which was done over two years ago, was that each block.must have stormwater point connecting to public stormwater drain. Each block has H2O, sewer, stormwater…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Stormwater issue

Bought land. It was subdivided 2 and half years ago. Developer was meant to put in stormwater point as per legal requirements. It has H2O and sewer. No stormwater…

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
Onsite water detention osd costs

Thank you for your info, the soil is M. Weathered granite soil.

5 years5 yearstouriertourier posted:
living in caravan Tasmania

Hi yes hv done that and they say to look at the caravan by laws which don't specify details

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