Hebel v's Brick - price
Check the manufacturer's installation guidelines-I think you'll find they specify render. If the Hebel is properly fixed to the battens it shouldn't be moving.
What to put on the wall near wood heater
Was this installed recently?? If so, I would first contact the installers for advice -sounds like it has been installed too close to the wall. Have you check the manufacturer's…
Does anyone know anything about Carter Grange?
Hi Agape
Has anyone ever heard of CG doing a full custom build (custom from start, not just changing one of their floor plans)?
We've started this with CG -we had some…
What's wrong with my windows...?????
Slightly off topic, but Ed can you clarify why some, apparently good, windows have very high air infiltration rates (both yours and your competitors. Is it just a case…
Doonks' World by CC Designer Homes - WE'RE IN!!!
Thanks Doonks,
I'll check them out if we go that way. We have a Dining/kitchen area that adjoins a living area, and want to maintain some visual connectivity, but need to…
Doonks' World by CC Designer Homes - WE'RE IN!!!
Hi Doonks -great blog.
Can I ask about your large concealed glass doors -what brand did you go with, and why?
Our build with Carter Grange
Glad to hear people are positive about CG -we are at the very early stages of comparing quotes from custom builders, and are considering CG, so appreciate all the experiences…