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7 months7 monthsTomG posted:
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
So disappointed for you. Have read reviews some ok, but enough with issues to make me nervous about Henley. When you raise this with sales people at Henley they brush…
7 months7 monthsTomG posted:
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
Hi Dan, looking at Amalfi again, did not proceed before. Are you doing anything?
3 years3 yearsTomG posted:
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
How did you get all that in - interested in your floor plan.
I like the idea of a third shower. Was even thinking of asking BR4 to have a 2nd…
3 years3 yearsTomG posted:
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
I am also looking at building Amalfi 34. Intersted in how you are going so far.
Joined homeone
3 May 2022