Who's building with Clarendon??
Hi, big thank you for everyone's input for the kitchen ideas.
I put the deposit for the survey on 25 Sep 16. Today the admin called and booked my tender…
Who's building with Clarendon??
Really like your kitchen Leeleh, thanks!
Our Madison 39 by clarendon
can I ask where your microwave located? Did you change its original location (under the benchtop) on its master plan? Thank you.
Bellavia Build - Clarendon Madison NSW - Moved in
Lovely home and lovely taste! I'm at the stage of making modification on the plan for Madison 35. Not quite happy with where the microwave located on the master plan.…
Change ideas for Madison 35 Kitchen Clarendon
Hello to everyone!
Just wondering if anyone is building Madison 35? Did you change the location of the microwave? How did you do that? I've been thinking very hard but couldn't…
Who's building with Clarendon??
Hello to everyone!
Just wondering if anyone is building Madison 35? Did you change the location of the microwave? How did you do that? I've been thinking very hard but couldn't…