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Perth, WA
Joined 11 June 2010
Gold Member
13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

Howdy, Im here. Congratulations on the start of your build. Im so so very happy for you. Love the pic of the pixie ::kiss::

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Building switchthree90-Carpet and splashback and blinds

My oh my you are organized. When our house is done, we wont be in for months :lol:
Your splashback is divine. Whats that colour.…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

So sorry to hear that u feel like this sb. seems like us 12 months ago.
Have u actually rang the council to find out that this is the case…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Building switchthree90-Carpet and splashback and blinds

Very nice indeed. Very happy for you that its finished for xmas. You must be flat out trying to get everything done but remember to take time out…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Thirstys Thread - Still Waiting

BUGGER ::sad:: Will email you from work tonight :D

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

Awesome news K.A. So the starting gates are ready for us both. We just need to turn up and have this race. I have a feeling your e/works will be…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

Forgot to say - Thanks for the invite K.A :D Will catch up with you next year sometime

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

Its me :D But I cant go anyhow - Working on the 7th :(

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Building switchthree90-Carpet and splashback and blinds

The trophys just been sent Tink :lol:
Congrats on pci. So happy for you that xmas will be spent in your house.

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Thirstys Thread - Still Waiting

Thanks gogo. Im soooooo feeling your pain. I heard the east coast is in for a wet and wild xmas. I really do hope you get your xmas present and…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Thirstys Thread - Still Waiting

Thanks for the support guys and gals ::lol::
And Merry Xmas to everyone too (just incase I lose it in the meantime and dont come…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Thirstys Thread - Still Waiting

Cannot believe that I only had 1 week more to wait to get our sand pad and the day after we're told, the sky dumps 30mm of water over the…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

Well Done to you V. Have a wonderful christmas in your new home ::kiss::

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Building switchthree90-Carpet and splashback and blinds

Tink, so sooooooooo happy for you (and a tad bit jealous) :D You really have had an awesome experience with your build and…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

Oh sb ::sad:: So sorry to hear this. We fought long and hard about nearly everything that was costed up for us.
We went…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

sb, Im hearing you. The wait is the most annoying and frustrating part about it all. We're still waiting for dirt to be moved (again). We first went and saw…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Thirstys Thread - Still Waiting

Thats great news G. Its been a long time coming for you too.

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

We wont be chatting to them K.A. We want them to work and build up a sweat ::dizzy:: Can we ask them to refill…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Thirstys Thread - Still Waiting

60mm :shock: Its disheartening isnt it. We had about half of that. Its all dried up again now but I still predict another couple…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

Thanks for that JuJuB, Thats exactly what I need to hear. Can u pls tell me who u went through. You can pm me if u like.
V, its looking…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Thirstys Thread - Still Waiting

No news yet Mollyapple. Its got to a point where its just laughable. We're starting to think that maybe someone is trying to tell us that this house should not…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

You can count me in on deck chairs and tradie watching at yours :D
:z: :z:

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

Lordy Lordy Lordy. Im amazingly jealous atm :lol: Really beautiful V. Just beautiful ::kissed:: ::kissed::

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Building switchthree90-Carpet and splashback and blinds

Those tiles are cool Tink. Wow ::kissed:: ::kissed:: ::kissed::

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

Thats awesome new sb. Paperwork sucks (to put it mildly) :D We went through hell and back. Prestart soon then. How exciting. By…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

Congrats on getting to PCI day V. It finally happened :z: :z: :z:

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

Coming together beautifully ::kiss:: ::kiss:: Love your work with the colours. It looks great as we knew it would…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Building switchthree90-Carpet and splashback and blinds

The builders are going nuts at your place Tink. Good to see they aren't mucking around :z: :z:
Cabinets looking…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

:z: :z: :z: It truly is a race for us. Congrats K.A. So exciting. We…

13 years13 yearsthirstythirsty posted:
Owner Building Perth Hills - Roof time!

Awesome Memphis. Love the colour brick you have chosen :: ::

Joined homeone
11 June 2010

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