experienced builder and project manager and feng shui consultant. author of best selling feng shui book and I give away free ebook renovating made easy at my website
building, renovation and sport

To Renovate or Not to renovate ... that is the question.
I recommend renovate. go with your heart. your own home does not necessarily need the same investmnet analyis as an investmenrt property particularly if you are staying for another 5…

House Renovation - Where to start?
For some one starting out to do a renovation , you have started the right way by drawing out a plan. maybe also collect some photos of things you like…

Help with building first home.
Hi ab
the best thing you can do is research at the moment and look at all the options. don't get caught selecting the best package because of the salesman. the…

like everything in feng shui , just need to check if it affects you in any way. generally mirror wardrobes can create a lot of chi in a bedroom and…

Introductions Please!
Hi I am George Birdsall from Sydney and have been building for over 35 years and looking to add comments on the forum to help people just starting out. Building…

Staircase facing front door
funny how simple questions can go off track and get into peoples beliefs. no wonder the world has wars.
This is a valid question and has been answered well with various…

Feng Shui Success stories
Anyone have any feng shui success stories to share. I love to hear them.
I will start with the single woman who put a painting of a loving couple in the…

underfloor heating no good?
Hi I have been involved in feng shui and building for a long time.
In feng shui terms there is no particular good or bad for floor heating, it is…

Cancelling My Build!
get all your paper work together . create a brief diary of events and then get legal advice.
if you ahve signed a standard type building contract you probably have to…

Making an offer before auction advice
same advice as everyone else, don't sound keen , underbid what you think the hose is worth and this will tell whether the vendor is serious. make only the one…

How did you juggle selling & buying properties?
I agree with travel bug in general.
best to put to just put the conditions you would ideally like in your contract for sale and then when negotiating with a…

Builders think plans no good - do we start all over again?
I had a client whos architect designed a $1m extension which when costed by a builder was $1.5m. we engaged one of the builders to review the plans, make them…

What do you know now that you wish you knew then?
not to rush into things too quickly.
take some time to plan and think, organise before starting a project.
less hassles and in the end less time and cost also.