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Joined 9 April 2008
Gold Member
12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Glass Pool Fencing Thread - ask your questions here

hey there, great to hear everything went well.
be sure to double check the plumbness and level once the braces are removed as depending on how they were braced, they…

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Pool Fencing (Perth)

there is no reason frameless fencing should just "fall apart" after a few years....
just make sure it's all tested and meets australian standards,

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
GPO a 'climbable object'???

yep if it is within the 900mm NCZ from the finished height of the pool fence it will be considered "climbable" and as stated by wheelie it will not pass…

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

hi guys, sorry been flat out....
I will get some pics up[ shortly

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Backyard Thread - Pergola Up! - Finished!!!

looks great mate well done

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Glass Pool Fencing Thread - ask your questions here

hi there, has the paving been "wet" laid onto concrete slab? how thick is the slab?

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Ready made outdoor roller blinds online?

my neighbour has just got one done i will ask them

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Pool Fence Advice

yep of course the planter box would need to be moved

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

hi guys, sorry pics next week,
been working flat out

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
defective brickwork?

its in your contract

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

thanks guys, pretty pumped

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!


12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Home theatre lighting ... what have you done?

hi there,
how it is done is with a fibre optic star kit....
if on the ground floor, the best and easiest way of doing it is to make a thin suspended/false…

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

hi, sorry i have been away.
hold up with the COO
should be all sorted today :(

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Pool Fence Advice

I would conclude that this would fall under the NCZ 2.3.1 (B)
you should be right with it as in your picture.

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

well regarding the concreter, I never asked henley to quote anything. We need approx 35m2 of exposed agg and 17m2 of new coloured crossover. We got a great deal through…

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

which the concreter or the sparkie?

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

i really hope not, it's going to throw all of our plans out :(

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building Henley Empire - PCI booked for 19th June

looking sweet!

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Downlight vs LED

no not really...
just got them to put battens in all the spots and got my own lights and sparkie to change them
I wasnt going to let a minor issue like…

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

could be DELAYED!!!
a & L windows have made 3 wrong sized flyscreens and cant get the right ones until wednesday next week!
We cant get a certificate or occupancy until…

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Outdoor kitchen Ideas, pics, questions, help PIC OVERLOAD!!

I got mine off ebay, 3 door one for about 600.00
very happy with it, I tested it for a week to make sure all was ok, it's great...
Only thing i…

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building Henley Empire - PCI booked for 19th June

blog wont open :(

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Downlight vs LED

Henley wont allow you to do that

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Outdoor kitchen Ideas, pics, questions, help PIC OVERLOAD!!

P.S I have already bought the BBQ and glass bar fridges etc

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Outdoor kitchen Ideas, pics, questions, help PIC OVERLOAD!!

Hi rudolf, I have noticed for a while that you have been looking into this......
I myself are in the process of planning very similar ideas to yours. Actually most the…

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

188 days it will be to handover
this includes the 2-3 weeks off over xmas
pretty happy really.

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

188 days it will be to handover
this includes the 2-3 weeks off over xmas
pretty happy really.

12 years12 yearstengalstengals posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

thanks mary,
yes 6 days to go!!!

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