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40 Posts
Junior Member

40PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 4 January 2013
Junior Member
6 years6 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Kitchen cost

They have said they wil only allow one specific kitchen company to do the work. 😩😩

6 years6 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Kitchen cost

We are looking to build again 😩. The house plan that we are looking to go with ( the plan was suggested by the builders) is one that they…

6 years6 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Walk in/step in pantry’s

Trying to design my kitchen. This time around I really want either a walk in or step In pantry. Any one have plans of something close to the rawsons…

11 years11 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Step in pantry

Two doors

11 years11 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Step in pantry

A step in pantry is not a walk in but more of a cupboard pantry that doesn't have a bottom shelf.... If that makes sense

11 years11 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Step in pantry

Does anybody have a step in pantry? Could you post pics and dinemsions?

11 years11 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Very disappointed with my new kitchen

We moved into our new home last November and now think we have made some bad choices in the kitchen, what should I do?

11 years11 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

We have decided to build our new home with Rawsons. Hopefully I have attached a pic successfully. Comments would be greatly appreciated.

Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build
11 years11 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

PCI didnt even happen, so feed up with it..... Never again

11 years11 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

So we are supposed to have PCI on wednesday 13th and handover 16th november, still so much to be done ie laundry bench and sink and splash back, replace pantry…

11 years11 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
bar stool colour??

This question is a little of track but is a question about bar stools. My kitchen island/ breakfast bar is 2100 long, should I have 2 or 3 stools?

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Kitchen colour help!

I think I have picked the wrong colour combination for my kitchen, I have decided on a two color combo of nocturne oak and peruvian clay. I would really…

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

Bricks started today, yay !! SS reckons they will be done by middle of next week.

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Show me your kitchen...


12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Hattie777, may I please ask what our kitchen colours are?

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

Yay we now have the frame and roof trusses done, windows have also been delivered. :)

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

We had our first tender in jan and then due to issues with bank and a low valuation we had to shave some things off the tender and then the…

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

No pics sorry, it was pitch black. Prob won't get to see it in daylight till next week. Bloody work!

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

OMG, so excited as we now have a slab :)

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

Spoke with our SS today, had site scrape today. Went for a drive and we now have a temp fence and a loo, so very excited :)

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Help - opinions wanted on matching sofa to carpet

That was me the other day and in freedom too, it's hard trying to find furniture to go with our carpet

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Hi, just wondering after you have done your color selections and variations what is the next step in the process? Do they give you another set of check plans to…

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build

Nearly finished colour selections, kitchen will be two tone of Peruvian clay and nocturne oak. Large tile will be in kitchen,dining, rumpus and entry.
Wall colour will be hog bristle half

Our new home with Rawsons - never again will i build
12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Our Sekisui House Meridian - carpet and electricity

Hi, your house looks fantastic, may I ask what colours you have in your kitchen?

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Pot drawer question


12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Peruvian clay

Has anybody used peruvian clay in their kitchen?? Is it dark?? Pics if u have any please

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Pot drawer question

Routed I think

12 years12 yearstedsnewhometedsnewhome posted:
Pot drawer question

Does anybody know what is the largest size ( width) pot drawer you can have with no handles?

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