Building At Edmondson Park
When trains will start running from Edmondson Park station?
Any idea about buses to Liverpool and Glenfield from Edmondson Pk?
Thanks in advance.
Building At Edmondson Park
Hi All,
NeilP- For cost summary report we do not have to pay, builder has done for us. Thank you for the information in that case.
My builder lodged plans for…
Building At Edmondson Park
Hi NeilP,
Thank you very much for the info. I will give a ring to SBAC.
Building At Edmondson Park
Hi All,
My builder (wisdom homes) advised me to get Cost Summary Report from the Private Certifiers for lodgement of CDC. Just wondering
1. What is this…
Building At Edmondson Park
Hi Guys ,
Little bit worried after announcement for building new airport regarding flight path. Just wondering if our area would be in the flight path.
Download pdf…
Building At Edmondson Park
Hi All,
Is it true that urbangrowth providing full drive-way for stage -2 ?
My builder is giving the option to get concession either in landscape or drive-way. Thanks
Building At Edmondson Park
Hi Sebas,
My Lot -1329 exactly in front of you.
Building At Edmondson Park
Muzzy, groupwest, Bains, Bhailu........Thanks for sharing council rates.
Building At Edmondson Park
Hi Guys,
I also received Council Rate Notice of $818.54 + $404.10 + $ 409.10 = $1636.74 and value for rating: $ 285000. Whereas, I paid $ 299000 to Landcom…