Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Heya our contract says 27 week build time... + rain delays + public holidays + Christmas shut down = handover in February/March depending on how…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Woo hoo!!! We have the skeleton of a house am soo impressed with how much these guys have been doing

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Woo hoo- looks like the guys have been busy. We had frame parts arriving over Mon-Wed & yesterday morning they put up the ground floor. More frame was delivered late…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Argh! How frustrating. It's annoying when things are out of your control & they can't give a reason as to why. Good luck with the disconnection!

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Hi thomashome - have replied to your PM
have found Adenbrook to be good - not the cheapest, nor the most expensive, but at the end of the day you do…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
I have build envy! The place is coming along nicely & surprisingly quickly congrats. Must be exciting seeing your home come together. Am happy to…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Thanks I used an iPhone app called superimpose. They have a great YouTube video that takes you through how to over lay one photo on…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Building4my3tots - have PM'ed you good luck with your build & with council.
We have stamped plans from council (yay) and Adenbrook have started the construction…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
It's so exciting being able to walk through the house. It's frustrating when there are delays and it's beyond your control. What's the building insurance hold up?
We are with…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
How exciting!! We are currently held up with council approval. Which house are you building??

Asbestos! Ugh $$$$
Should there be any asbestos left after concealed asbestos removal???
We had our 60 yr old asbestos Clad home demolished today (yay!) in preparation for building (yay!) they factored in the…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Yep - we are building the Hadley (Council approval pending). Saw it on display on Mulgoa and the layout made sense (with a couple of minor tweaks). I am impressed…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Hello!!! How did your demo go? Where are you building? Am looking forward to seeing your progress.
Am happy with the progress so far. I can't complain about Adenbrook

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Congrats @philandbec14 which home are you building?
Our build is going well we did have issues with a brickie delay due to the current shortage in…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
who did you decide to build with?

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Morning, I am living a few blocks away from the site & stalk it every morning on my way to work. Since my last update - the external plumbing for…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Woo hoo we have progress
On the 3rd they levelled, 14th they were ready for the concrete (queue the rain) and this week the concrete trucks…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Hey guys - how are your builds all going?

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
As of yesterday we officially have a level site - YAY! its great seeing something happen after things being held up with council/bank. Piering should be this week (crossing fingers).…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Wow! Talk about progress! How many weeks is your estimated build time?
Love the colour selections. Roof, gutter, facia tie nicely together. What's your brick colour? I like the slight variance…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Hi Melziix - was wondering how its all progressing? its been a fortnight and it would be interesting to see where things are at now

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
how exciting!!! Hopefully we aren't to far behind you. We are still waiting for our construction loan to be finalised, crossing fingers it'll be done in the next week and…

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
How is everyone's builds going??
We have just completed finals with Adenbrook Sydney am very happy - we got to see our selections again & they…

New build with Adenbrook Sydney
Hello! How is your build progressing?

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
I don't know about that... It was 8!weeks till we heard back from them & then We had to make changes and resubmit... It's been 5 weeks and counting...

Asbestos! Ugh $$$$
They came through and removed the visible asbestos and the certifier came through and passed it. Hmmmm

What's an 88b???
Thanks Jenny! Will dig up my old paperwork from when we bought the house. Thanks for replying

Building with Adenbrook Homes {sydney}
Our contracts are signed & colour selection complete! Am very happy with how this all is progressing