2 year old 2 storey, home water overflow question
Please look at the pic attached and could someone please shed some light on how this little pipe works, where the water comes from please.
Normally small drips of water…
Protecting your Slab
Engage a licenced structural landscaper and possibly a plumber first, work out all the finished levels that you will need for the concretor and then pour away. As long as…
Protecting your Slab
That would be your best option. Next time buy a better block haha.
Protecting your Slab
Correct drainage of course. I have strip drains myself. The 75mm is negotiable if you have sufficient slope and drainage from the slab and good visual on the termite barrier.…
Protecting your Slab
Just make sure they are well regarded, are licenced etc.
Maybe go to a few new housing estates and ask around or work your way through the master builders index…
Protecting your Slab
Yes connected paths is best. Just make sure your concretor knows what he is doing and is licensed. Don't use some weekend warrior or someone's old mate.
See screenshot from QBCC…
Slab Fail Frame Doesn't Align
Get. An. Independent. Building. Inspection. Done. At. Every. Stage.
Concrete - drainage required
Don't stress, just get a plumber or a structural landscaper to assess your drainage away from the pathways. Also, monitor for flooding when you have your first decent downpour.
Landscape opinion wanted around pool
Leave it bare, maybe fake grass every where else.
Protecting your Slab
Take photos every day you have ponding of water and email to your builder every day and remind them of their responsibility to adequately drain and protect the foundation during…
650mm high waffle pod slab, thoughts?
Its a brand new estate and the land has been built to comply for any potential flooding.
650mm high waffle pod slab, thoughts?
No it's definitely a waffle pod slab. The height from the vapour barrier to the surface of the slab is approx 650mm. See pic.
Thoughts on how, why, etc?
650mm high waffle pod slab, thoughts?
Hi ,
Where I live, a new display village is being contructed and one of the builders has laid an approx 650mm high slab. Thoughts?
My E slab was around 500mm high…
Neighbour Garage wall.
Amazing how commonplace this has to be. The OP is probably also encroaching on the other neighbours too. Yeah best to let it be, agreed.
Neighbour Garage wall.
Usually 1st consult is free, you might have a leg to stand on and to spend a few hundred on a well drafted legal letter and some legit advice …
H1 slab for H2 class soil
I won't give up the location of my build , but I will say this, since I got my "E" slab, the same volume builder has contrsucted most new builds…
Canadian HiKu 330w or Jinko JKM330M-60 Solar system?
2 X 10.23kw systems, CEC installers etc, very reputable companies. Both Sungrow 10kw 3 phase inverters, only difference is one is Canadian HiKu 330w and the uses Jinko JKM330M-60 (Cheetah)…
Protecting your Slab
Doesn't need to if it's concrete. Only 50mm to 70mm over 1 metre if it's natural ie soil/ grass. Read your engineering, somewhere it will mention slope for hard constructed…
H1 slab for H2 class soil
My Y values from my soil test was 50mm plus long term (50 year ) settlement of 25mm (from Stockland estate geo report). The engineer got 75mm total Y value…
H1 slab for H2 class soil
During construction, the builder installed 8 stormwater drains because I asked them too and they were on the slab plans (which I wanted). The temp downpipes were always intact because…
H1 slab for H2 class soil
Oh, and my concrete "apron" is about 1.5m to 1.8m around the house , mechanical fixed to the slab. Thanks Einstein.
H1 slab for H2 class soil
There is no "uphill" to my slab. Nothing runs into it. The whole estate is flat, level 1 compacted fill. The concrete pathways are not 50mm over 1 metre because…
H1 slab for H2 class soil
Tell me how...if you have got something to say, and you can back it up then just say it.
H1 slab for H2 class soil
Our house was built on an E waffle pod slab with 45 perimeter concrete piers, on a flat site, lots of drainage and sloping concrete pathways (to strip gravel stormwater…
Site Cost
In Qld it is STA, I don't know about other states.
Good luck.
Level 1 Compaction Report - Melbourne SE - Burbank
Only a nitwit would buy a block of land without doing basic due diligence. I have heard of developers selling blocks of land filled with rubbish, car bodies etc. Don't…
Brand new house - Rising damp issue
Why not get a treatment for efflorescence, if it continues to come back or you notice other evidence, then request another inspection. Have a look when it rains as well…
Brand new house - Rising damp issue
Because if you look at the aluminium frame it too has what looks like white powdery salt deposits , possibly from water trickling down from above?? Just a theory.