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138 Posts
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138PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 20 April 2009
Senior Member
13 years13 yearssvetasveta posted:
my caprosmas r dying in the heat.help!! Fu? anyone? urgent!!

Thanx beatrixkiddo. Will follow your advise. Hopefully its going to save my plants :(

13 years13 yearssvetasveta posted:
my caprosmas r dying in the heat.help!! Fu? anyone? urgent!!

I had planted a caprosma gold fever hedge (around 40 of them) about 6 months ago and they were doing really well with deep root watering once per week. I…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Freestanding bathtub?

i love your bath darnrts...and what a gorgeous bathroom. love the colour...good job

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
dracaena draco

thanx fu

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
dracaena draco

thanx heaps fu. You mean yucca desmetiana too?

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
dracaena draco

I have just planted my dracaena draco about a metre away from out house. Now i am worried if its too close to the house and that its roots may…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
mulch from mulchnet

oops i forgot to add...its the beautiful smelling mulch I have ever seen. It reminded me of these beautiful fragrances stored in my memory from walking around the woods near…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
mulch from mulchnet

Thanx Fu for all you advice. We have been following all the steps you recommended. We first got a trailer of soil from gardenersdirect, bentolite and zeolite for the front…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
cost of installing automatic reticulation systme

hi all
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Much appreciated

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
concreters vs cheats!!

Hi Onc artisan
The reason why they are charging us for the pump is coz we have a narrow access to the back. They would need to pump it over the…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
concreters vs cheats!!

We have been trying to get some quotes for exposed aggregate for the past six months. All the big businesses quoted us 95 m2. Since it was a really big…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:

Hi Albert,
We went with Ford and Doonan, Kardinya. Cost us 17250 but well worth it. We set the temperature at 26 ,and even then its really cold. As we have…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Oh dear what have I done..Calling for help

thanx YB

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Oh dear what have I done..Calling for help

The taps have been replaced and it looks much better already i think..
My laundry is located right next to our entrance from the garage...thats why i…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Am I being anal???

thanx guys..will get the SS to sort it out...btw themax your house looks gorgeous...g8 selections...a few inspirations there for the backyard...i LOVVVVE the colour you have painted on the …

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Am I being anal???

Our claret colour glass splashback is fixed and looks lovely. There is a small area between the edge of the glass and the cabinet where the wall is visible? Is…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
What do you think of this handle on the pantry door?

thanx guys for your responses and compliments. Hi Victoria my splashback is called claret.

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
What do you think of this handle on the pantry door?

thanx guys...my confusion was the same..what if just the pantry door had vertical handle..since majority of the you said it looks fine, i am just going to leave it…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
What do you think of this handle on the pantry door?

Hi all,
The builder has made an error and fixed short horizontal handles in place of the long one we had requested. What do you think of the one fixed on…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Decking in Perth

Jaelee, can i ask how much it cost you? Thanx

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Any recommended installers in Perth?

i used the kardinya one..ask for frank...good luck

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Any recommended installers in Perth?

try boatman in the forum. he gave us the best quote but by then i had accepted the quote from Ford & Doonan. We got a 20KW for 17250.…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Oh dear what have I done..Calling for help

Sorry guys for the late reply...got so tied up with work and other stuff. thanx heaps guys for all the support. I love the picture kyton...Some g8…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Oh dear what have I done..Calling for help

This is our laundry..So not happy with the wall tiles. Feel like they are standing out. What could I do to salvage this???
Michelle please help. …

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
The transformation is done!

Beautiful backyard kek...G8 inspiration for others..wonder how much it will cost for something similiar in perth ::study::

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
Show me your kitchen...

here's mine..its a work in progress. The cabinet doors and glass splashback still need to go in..

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
advise needed ASAP

thank you for all the advise. As hmmmmm advised i have requested my bank to reverse the payment. According to ANZ, the fencer's a/c is with CBH. They will…

14 years14 yearssvetasveta posted:
advise needed ASAP

hi everyone,
I hope some of the members on this forum have knowledge on this legal side of things pertaining to building contracts. Our build is almost complete. Our neighbour…

15 years15 yearssvetasveta posted:
Home Building Blogs

hi matt,
can you change the link to our blog to:
Thanx matt

Joined homeone
20 April 2009

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