Definitely following this one
Have you purchased your strip lights yet? Interested in where you found the cheapest

Keys 19/10/15. Moved in 10/11/15. Landscaping + a deck ideas
I'm pretty close to your place, I knew which one yours was straight away from the 'double pole' feature out the front
We built with Impressions (Part of BGC) so I…

Studio (fancy shed) build
this is.. amazing
I came in to see the LED strip lights on the ceiling and stayed to see the rest
Awesome work

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
Congrats on the move.
Now that you're in, you can watch over my place and give me updates while it gets finished
There was. Someone…

I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?
Do you guys sell Quick Step laminate?
If so, can you help me in regards to a step down with the nosing
I've been told you can't actually do it with the…

Built In and Walk In Robe Fitouts...
Have been looking into this, it's awesome you can do it online too and it gives the complete parts list required.

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
Your driveway looks nice. Was this done through DA or externally? Wouldn't mind knowing who did it and what price if possible

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
Yeah that's what I was going to say too.

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
Sucks about the stolen goods.. not the best sign for the estate, or the street!
Buuuut I guess it's a building site so these things are prone to happen.
Hopefully smooth sailing…

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
Knock down the wall?
Or get them to the have the surface in question protected with a fire resistant material which will comply.

First Home - Build w Redink! KEYS!!! Post Handover Updates
Did you guys do your own planterbox?
and your builder will render it?

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
I figured when I went past my place to see how it was going on Sunday and noticed the brickies working at your place that they were pushing to…

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
Good stuff, I've been looking at yours each day I go past to check mine.
Coming along nice & quickly

Two Way Switches Question
and that's exactly right.
I can even draw up a wiring diagram for him. The fact that additional cable has to be run for it to be achieved probably put it…

Two Way Switches Question
Incorrect as 'thats just the way it is'
The Saturn situation you described can be fixed by re-wiring with additional cable. It CAN be achieved.
As for the OP, the easiest resolution…

Bamboo Expansion Issues
It will be floating
Thanks delatite13, the seller is reputable, so fingers crossed

Expansion joints and timber/bamboo flooring
Do you have any picture examples of these joins for spans greater than 6m?
Having a hard time trying to visualise how appealing they would look

Bamboo Expansion Issues
Hi there,
We are about to pull the trigger on Bamboo flooring.
However, seeking some input on others that have it in regards to expansion joints (not around the walls covered by…

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
I have noticed your place is going up nicely.
Ours is taking sooooo long, been at least 8 weeks now and not finished.
The old bricky has been fired and a new…

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
Waited approx 3 weeks for them to start once the bricks were delivered on site.
Here's the kicker, they've been laying them for almost 4 weeks...
.. they are yet to finish…

Kelsey78’s Home in Honeywood DAH Build-KEYS!!!
I feel your pain with the bricks. I'm also building in Honeywood, on the same street actually!
Ours took a while to get delivered.. but even longer to get started which…

LED downlights
I've yet to see a better LED downlight better than the Brightgreen D900's/1000's when comparing to a 50W Halogen.
GoLights, would you agree?

outdoor lighting
I wouldnt necessarily refer to these as floodlights, they are up/down lights. (used as feature lighting rather than illuminating a large area)
They basically just have 2x globes in them, one…

What builder in Perth
I am currently building with Impressions.
After going to basically every single display home throughout greater Perth, they had the only one that suited us (after a lot of changes) and…

Lights flickering when off!
Rather than using those, there is a fairly simple wiring diagram I have that will fix it.
It just involves running another twin between the switches.

Lights flickering when off!
You can resolve the fault.
It is due to those specific switches and the fact your sparky more than likely did not have a neutral at the switch and wired them…

LED light switches
The saturn range is great. Expensive, but really nice.
I find the impress range as posted above are the 'cheaper' 'tackier' option and would rather normal 2000 series switches over them.