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Putney NSW
Joined 5 February 2018
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Building with Wisdom Homes
16562 Posts
4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Does an interim occupancy certificate have an expiry date? ie do I have to deal with the items listed in the interim OC within a specified time? eg install permanent…

4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Personal taste and practicalities. Yes we upgraded. $15 k I think but what I really wanted was going to cost approx $25k for open stairs with steel support beam.…

4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Don’t forgot hydraulics cost. Ie rain water retention to slow the runoff into stormwater. Ours was approx $30k alone in Ryde council.

4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

We did driveway ourselves independently. Wasn't required for interim OC for us. Completion June 2020, moved in July 2020. We did do the driveway before we moved in though to…

4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Same place as tiles - Delorenzo

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

We have same experience at present.
House is 99% done but last bit dragging on for a month with no real explanation.
Landscaping painfully slow. Pool tile grout done on Sunday, yes…

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Cladding is lighter and cheaper and so the support underneath doesn't need to be as robust and overall build price is reduced.
I recall a few on here have upgraded to…

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

How can you check the rain days that are claimed. I've been provided with dates W are claiming but how can I check for a specific suburb?

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Sweet talk to your SS - he might chuck it in for free during the build.

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Where can I find details on bathroom mirrors to be installed - End Panel? Looked at kitchen plans/drawings and colour selections but couldn't find them.

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Not yet. Ground floor tiling done last week. Final coat inside paint due next week with mirrors and shower screens. Expecting handover end January as have pool and other landscaping…

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I think it's
but not 100% sure.

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Hi All,
At what point does the sewer connection from mains to house become the landowner versus council.
My pipes need work between my front boundary and the main, apparently...

6 years6 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Don't assume anything - make sure all your discussions, requests and changes have actually ended up in the plans.
Do doors and windows open right way? Are light switches now covered…

  ⋅  2
4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Challenge it if you know they weren’t there or there was no site work going on that required it. Ask for more details.
We had a charge come through but knew…

4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Yep at settlement along with rain days etc.

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

And internal stair case upgrade - could range from $0 to $30k

4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Does anyone know if decking counts as soft landscaping given water/rain can still pass through to natural ground?

4 years4 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Hi ,
So I'm wondering if anyone has done a partial OC and what were the requirements were to obtain this
Bank wont bank final payment until I receive this, I rang…

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

We used AtoZ Demolitions.
Agree - ensure your quote is based on a thorough inspection for asbestos as getting rid of contaminated soil is expensive.

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Everyone reading this forum should realise that Norfolk has never had any actual experience building with Wisdom Homes and has taken it upon…

  ⋅  6
5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I had suspicions WH were expensive on the landscaping side of things and we have asked them to do several things as part of our build where it made sense…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Wisdom standard 90mm downlights are Clipsal TPDL1C2 I believe.
I got provisioning done and am buying and installing the downlights myself.
Found this site - anyone found cheaper or know of this…

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Rightly so.

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

With the NSW water restrictions in place, it looks like all new pools need to have a cover.
Has anyone any experience with the in-ground or under cover type of covers…

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Yeah, I can't find it anywhere. And what has been installed is not to our liking so wanted to see what had been advised to us. I wonder how hard…

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Tender Accepted 26/03/18; Contract signed 27/05/18; CDC submission 24/10/18; End Panel 13/02/2019; Slab 19/03/2019; Slab inspection 15/04/2019; Framework inspection 13/05/2019; Pre-lining inspection 07/08/2019; Internal waterproofing inspection 05/09/2019.
Had issues with Hydraulics…

5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I'm all for open and honest discussion to help others in their build process.
But my god, what are you even doing on this thread! You didn't build with Wisdom, have…

  ⋅  4
5 years5 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Mains are in road out front which is clearly outside boundary . Camera inspection appear to show we need rectification work into the mains. Not sure how that can happen…

6 years6 yearsStukipStukip posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

My experience is the opposite. Our SS gives us weekly updates either by phone or text message. He will tell us in advance if we aren't going to get an…

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5 February 2018

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