Bryan & Petersen Build in Ballarat (VIC)
We were onsite checking out the hallway wall (& also doing some cleaning up) and our supervisor dropped by to also take a look at the Level…
Our MainVue Amalfi 428
Couldn't not share the amazing sunlight yesterday
Building our new Amalfi 532
Thanks guys!
Just received our occupancy certificate! The bank is going in to do valuation on Wednesday so we are hoping to get keys very soon after!!
MainVue Amalfi 532 - Final Fit off
Just out of curiosity what are the dimensions of that shower??
The shower dimension is 2m by 1.1m
Timber Flooring options - so confused
I believe the 'edge bits' you're referring to are 'quads'
As for getting your builder to lay skirting really depends on the builder
MainVue Amalfi 532 - Final Fit off
That's a shame. I've always said that communication is the one area that they've never really excelled in.
Yeah we've had an inspector check through the build at each of…
Building our new Amalfi 532
So our SS has given us an estimated DAY for handover.
August 12th
Our build- Henley, Monaco lux 2 in bayside Melbourne KDR
Totally... I teach 4 & 5 year olds. It's so great that he can see the processes involved in a house being built. Kids are fascinated by things like…
Building Henley Vogue Q2 in Arcadia estate Officer
So finally some news (good news at that). Our plans are now at the titles office and we should be settling within the next few weeks
H3nl3y KDR Mont3r3y belle q2 - post handover work
Post handover jobs still going. We have started on the back deck. Spotted gum. Can't wait until it's finished. So sick of the mud and dust
Aegean 430 from mainvue - lockup stage pics added
Fingers crossed that the weather doesn't get too bad this week. It'd be nice if it just rained after 5pm each day.
Our build- Henley, Monaco lux 2 in bayside Melbourne KDR
Hahaha I hope so! Let's all pray for some good weather! It feels so surreal still....I'm over the moon !!
LED Downlights and Dimmers - My Experience
I just thought i'll share my experience as a first time builder. With the help of this forum I chose and installed all my own lights and did my own…
MainVue Amalfi 532 - Final Fit off
Hi Libby,
I actually managed to finally get on site yesterday and take a few photos
Our Grand Living area
"Theatre" Room
What we have left over in back yard space
Pretty happy with…