Hill House - far south coast
Ha as it happens we are back to it today!! I have some HelpXers staying for the next few months and they will begin sanding the remaining roof beams…
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build
It's really coming along and looking great!!
Sad to hear your little angle grinder died, I have been through a range of grinders over the years, still have a few…
Hill House - far south coast
Terry, yes this pavilion is feeling fairly straight forward, dare I say 'easy'. It is going together a lot quicker when I do have to chance to spend time…
Hill House - far south coast
Ever so slow.... but I have finished the sub floor structure, fitted the bathroom flooring and have started putting up the roof beams and wall frames. In between making a…
Studio (fancy shed) build
Place is looking fantastic, well done, lots of energy and effort have gone into it and it shows. Love the recycled pallet work, great textures and forms, very nice,…
Hill House - far south coast
Not much happening at the moment as the focus is on making a few dollars over the busy summer season and wet weather has really limited work on the…
Marking out footings for a pole home on a sloping block
Giday Paul
I faced the same problem with my place It is not that difficult, but you do need two people and you need…
Hill House - far south coast
Slow and steady progress as always, we got held up waiting for the 6 large long (up to 7.5m) posts for this pavilion to be milled from telegraph posts but…
Hill House - far south coast
Thanks yet again for the positive feedback, great to see some of the regulars hanging in here Lorri, I'll see what I can dig…
Hill House - far south coast
Ahh Terry, nice to see you progressing on your place too
Hill House - far south coast
My, my, my it has been a while but I am finally back to building again, having changed jobs, then started a new business, saved some dollars and found the…
Studio (fancy shed) build
Nice sleepers, I have some the same @ 250 x 150 which i am ripping down for posts, they are blood heavy but should see you out
Studio (fancy shed) build
Good one, I love the roo fence, very nice indeed.
builder owner vs professional builder
Bugger, very sorry to hear that has occured Hope it works out for you.
builder owner vs professional builder
Veseli, I note from a lot of your previous respones on other threads that you troll these boards offering your services as a builder after trying to talk down…
builder owner vs professional builder
Like many OB’s, I am not interested in doing "average projects", anyone can nail gun a prefab pine frame together on a slab and bang a roof on it, slap…
My new house at Fern Tree, Tasmania
Your place is looking great, a credit ot your persistance and ability
builder owner vs professional builder
Owner Builder or Owner Project Manager? Most people get these two mixed up which creates confusion and creates many of the misconceptions about saving money.
Owner builders can save a…
Owner Builder Price per sq metre??
Tough question as there are so many variables, I think the base price is about $1000 to $2500 per meter. I have friends that have built beach shack style…
Hill House - far south coast
I would guesstimate around $140-160K to build this pavilion. Using recycled/salvaged timber for big projects will not save money generally, you get some cheap but will pay double…
Hill House - far south coast
Here is a great write up about our place in a fab little blog written by our neighour from down the road. It is a good sumary of the…
Owner Design & Build a green sustainable home
I like denailing timber - Pinch bar, rubber mallet, a good pair of gloves and some good tunes on the ipod, away I go for days at a time.
lay about
laying about