Hi All. Firstly, I must say I love this forum and I appreciate everyone's advice. Maybe a silly question, but I am guesinng the end of the 400mm line comes up above ground to enable access. Is this a 40mm line to ground level? or from the horizontal is it flex pipe?

DIY sediment trap on charged rainwater harvesting system
Hi SaveH20 and others
I have finally got around to jumping back into this portal. Three years on and I can say the rainwater harvesting system is working well. Thanks go…

DIY sediment trap on charged rainwater harvesting system
Hi SaveH20
I would really appreciate if you could do some calculations for me. Thank you kindly. I should note that some things are pre-determinged, e.g. I have already purchased…

DIY sediment trap on charged rainwater harvesting system
Thanks again for your advice SaveH20
You have made me realise I have failed to properly consider head pressure loss. I was hoping not to have to rely on…

DIY sediment trap on charged rainwater harvesting system
Thanks to H2O and others for posting such useful and valuable information. I am wondering if anyone has any photos of a DIY sediment trap. I realise H20 posted this…

DIY sediment trap on charged rainwater harvesting system
Hi SaveH20
A few photos attached. I thought I had a few other photos of the connection to the tank, will see if I can dig them up.

DIY sediment trap on charged rainwater harvesting system
Hi Save H20. Your response has really helped my understanding. Thank you.
With the information you provided above is that provided on the assumpton I also use a vertical riser…

has anyone tried hempcrete before?
Hi bman19
I will be building with hempcrete. Construction has not begun yet, engineering certificate en route and hoping not long after we can get quotes for build. Any questions, happy…

DIY sediment trap on charged rainwater harvesting system
Thanks heaps SaveH20. That's a gret help. I'll upload some photos - perhaps useful to some, perhaps an example of what not to do - I hope not!!
In relation to…

Hi All. Firstly, I must say I love this forum and I appreciate everyone's advice. Maybe a silly question, but I am guesinng the end of the 400mm line comes up above ground to enable access. Is this a 40mm line to ground level? or from the horizontal is it flex pipe?

Hi All. Firstly, I must say I love this forum and I appreciate everyone's advice. Maybe a silly question, but I am guesinng the end of the 400mm line comes up above ground to enable access. Is this a 40mm line to ground level? or from the horizontal is it flex pipe?

Hi All. Firstly, I must say I love this forum and I appreciate everyone's advice. Maybe a silly question, but I am guesinng the end of the 400mm line comes up above ground to enable access. Is this a 40mm line to ground level? or from the horizontal is it flex pipe?

Hi All. Firstly, I must say I love this forum and I appreciate everyone's advice. Maybe a silly question, but I am guesinng the end of the 400mm line comes up above ground to enable access. Is this a 40mm line to ground level? or from the horizontal is it flex pipe?
posted by SaveH2O