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Joined 20 March 2011
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13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building Piara Waters/Harrisdale/Forrestdale?

really? yay! always thought the shopping center is on the other side of Nicholson Rd, towards the heart stage or something

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Re: Baldivis Build: backyard photos

Oh Vans,
I thought it was only us who has the millepede problem!! Went to our build one weekend and there were thousands of them crawling in two walls of our…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
MILLIPEDE problem!!

Hello everyone,
Apologies if this is not the proper forum to post this. We're building our new home and nearly finished probably end of this month.
Went to the house this…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Re: Baldivis Build: backyard photos

Hi Vans,
Been a long while, but I'm always following and you're thread and I did voted for you..;)
Anyway, hope the graffiti will be gone soon.…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building YAY... Ulitmate St Marks HBC

We've got walls at the moment, not far from roofing I hope.
I can still remember the day asking for them to do that for we live in a rental property…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building YAY... Ulitmate St Marks HBC

So love your plans...we tried to move our WC, the same way as your but our agent told us it can't be done and that was when we we're…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

Lovely photos!!! nice to see almost all of us building the st. marks are starting.
Ours have walls already, but I got a problem with the way they did the bricks.…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

Hi Shannon!!
How's the build??? Don't forget to post new pics for updates!
Envious of your bricks!!
Ours has finally started on the site.. :z: :z:

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Snaggers Home - FINISHED & MOVED IN!!!

Hi Sir Snagger,
Where's the photos? Excited to see your house already. They have started with the site works on our place so we are also a bit excited.


14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

Finally it's starting!! :: :: nice photos Shannon..
Hopefully we don't have to wait for ours for another month.
Btw, when you…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Fan + heat + light combo

Hello everyone!! :D
Sorry for being so naive, but I know you guys are the only ones who can help me.

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Homebuyers Centre at Byford Central WA

Hi Mel!!
We are building with HBC as well in Piara Waters. We are just waiting for council to approve us and then hopefully we can start. I so…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
soap holder installation

Hello everyone!!
I know this may sound silly, but when we did our tile selection we opted not to do the ceramic soap holders for we were thinking of doing the…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building Piara Waters/Harrisdale/Forrestdale?

That's what I also thought saffie. Would have been lovely if its on our side.
Anyways, either will do as long as its done so we can be near to…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Re: Baldivis Build: backyard photos

Hi Vans,
Aircon and tiles looking lovely! We're getting our keys in two weeks so yours should be soon!
Soakwells in driveway really that important? I actually have no idea we should…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
MILLIPEDE problem!!

I've come across this thread:
http://www.howtoaustralia.com.au/pest_c ... illipedes/
They mentioned few ways of managing them and I'm desperate to try everything to make them disappear. ::angry::

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

Congrats on finally moving to your own place!!! :: ::
Can't wait for the moving in pics!!
Our house is currently…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

oh yes please????!!! I'm so dying to have my splashback installed when our house is finished.
As for the pictures, I know Venturai mentioned on how to upload some photos…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

Hi Shannon!!
I've been absent for awhile, but now I'm back..so excited with how our build is progressing.
So glad that yours is now rectified as well. I'm looking forward to…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

@Shannon and Venturai,
We'll I can't say we're the lucky ones. Our fortnightly updates is late compared to what is actually happening on site, so sometimes it's funny, especially when…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
HomeBuyers - Banksia Grove

We love living up north. As what I've said we pretty much didn't do much research and just agreed on an area that's nice enough and what we can…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Venturai's build - Ultimate St Marks HBC, Banksia Grove WA

No thread yet, might start soon when I get the hang of attaching pics.
Same thoughts as you. We too thought we couldn't afford the other building companies and when…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
HomeBuyers - Banksia Grove

Hello everyone...
seems a lot of us is building with HBC...;)
@ Venturai... is Banksia Grove up north? seems funny that you're down south and moving up north…

13 years13 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Venturai's build - Ultimate St Marks HBC, Banksia Grove WA

Hi Venturai,
We're building with HBC as well and like you, we would not be building with them again.
We have the same concern over the bricks and I'm still in the…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
soakwells HELP..need your expertise

Hello everyone, :)
We are in the early stages of building a house. Went to the site yesterday and noticed that they are digging on…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

Hi Shannon,
Thanks a lot for clarifying all that. Made me more calm. ::lol::
Got confused for some of my co-workers that are building with other builders…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Re: Baldivis Build: backyard photos

Sorry to ask, is there a major difference if doing the fascia,gutters and downpipes colorbond? Rather than just the woodland grey paint?
Don't worry we're building way far from your place.…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

Hi Shannon,
Congrats on the slab!!!! :: ::
I'm so envious for we are still waiting for council approval. I can't…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Re: Baldivis Build: backyard photos

We definitely fell in love with Archer as well. We're building with home buyers though but we pretty much followed the outside colours as well, except for we choose…

14 years14 yearssrichzsrichz posted:
Building with Home Buyers Centre in Pearsall WA :)

OOOHHHH!!!! Congrats Shannon!!! :: :: ::
Can't wait to see the pics of the house…

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