7 years7 yearsKonkretHaus posted:
Pre-cast Concrete House Build Perth
Pre-cast Concrete House Build Perth
Sorry been offline for a few days, has been a busy few days on site! Will respond to you in day or 2
7 years7 yearsKonkretHaus posted:
Pre-cast Concrete House Build Perth
Pre-cast Concrete House Build Perth
2nd Floor Slab poured yesterday - part white for the external architectural projection & part black for internal area.
Whole slab will be burnished on Monday & those trowel marks visible…
7 years7 yearstinkster posted:
Building again, Ben Trager homes WA
Building again, Ben Trager homes WA
Called last after a sh!tful day to find they’ve started bricking. Significantly brightened my day.
7 years7 yearsJ278 posted:
Hilbert HGWA Build
Hilbert HGWA Build
Last visit before we go to Melbourne next week and we were able to have a look inside. Lots of little jobs to do. Since our last visit the aircon…