My Rainwater harvesting system
I'll add a pic to help.
1a. Not sure of my 20:1 ARI . Im near Gawler SA. says about 2% chance of filling 5KL tank in 4 minutes assuming…

Water tank and pump configuration
Its similar in terms of have 2 tank sites and transfer between.
Im lucky not to have leaf problem.

adelaide- reputable, quality builders
We built with Format Homes , about 350m2 to our design, got keys in April 2017. We are generally happy with quality and it progressed roughly to plan. Although there's…

Construction Loan - All Approved BUT unexpected situation
Wow. tricky situation. As far as disclosing your employment situation to lender, What does the 'fine print' say?. At this point, as long as they get agreed repayments, Im guessing…

Spa cable used for additional GPO?
Although Im not a sparky, from a standards-perspective, I suspect the intended use of a GPO is irrelevant. If its not hardwired to a device, then the supply cable must…

ducted vac in slab?
Hi All,
As I'm planning my first OB build, Im thinking about ducted vacuum, but difficulty in getting the pipes through the roof cavities (
there's none, as we're using raked…

Home Security Camera options
DONT REPLY as requested: Ugh - I was about to replay - then realized the public info here is a gold mine for smart but lazy wrong-doers.
This question is…

Waste water engineer
Did you find anyone?
I use for my build. THey were quite professional.

My Rainwater harvesting system
Just an after thought: Of course the fine sediment will go through the filter, and slowly build up in the 5KL transfer tank. Ill need to vacuum that out every…

My Rainwater harvesting system
Just thought Id share how I designed my current rainwater harvesting system , in case it offers ideas for others.
-roof area 370 m2
-Storage tanks 50 m from house
- wanted…

cabling plan
Location of the hub doesnt really matter in technical sense. WHat matter is physical access, and future proofing. I would have a small interface point / space in the…

How to set up a cheap house sound system?
Im planning to build next year, and want similar multi-zone sound system. As an electronics engineer, I feel that whats more important is getting the wires in the walls /…

Deck Footings with slab?
Whilst designing a new house, it was suggested to me that including the intended decking design for outdoor area would be prudent to avoid going back to council twice. Our…