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157 Posts
Bronze Member

157PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 12 July 2008
Bronze Member
14 years14 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Evaporative cooling to ground floor of double storey

Hi AV, builders are a pain aren't they, anyone would think that it wasn't your house :roll:
We ended up getting the cooling done…

14 years14 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Planting behind retaining walls

Hey mishti yeah they are concrete sleepers and are held in place by the galvanised steel columns. Average around $30 each for the sleepers but there are lots of different…

14 years14 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Planting behind retaining walls

Got them from http://www.flintstoned.com.au but there are a few places around. Are in in Melb? Also try www.modularconcretesleepers.com.au/index.html.
Did it all ourselves! They…

14 years14 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Planting behind retaining walls

Anyone else have any ideas?????? Please :)
There are a billion and one pics on the net to give inspiration for the normal garden situation…

14 years14 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Good privacy tree / shrub

You just have to make sure you use a clumping variety and not a running variety.
The running types are the ones that take over your garden but the clumping types…

14 years14 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Good privacy tree / shrub

We are considering using Gracilis bamboo for our screening. Quick growing, can be planted in narrow beds and looks great.

14 years14 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Planting behind retaining walls

Thanks Pottsville, it seems Bamboo might be the go. Curious what else is around though.

14 years14 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Planting behind retaining walls

Hi all,
I am after some ideas for planting out our garden beds behind our retaining walls, in particular screening plants.
What we are dealing with:
We have a concrete sleeper retaining wall…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
After some advice on lawn issues please........

Thanks for the responses guys, it always amazes me how much controversy turf talk churns up on this forum..... always good for a laugh ::

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
After some advice on lawn issues please........

Hi guys, I am after some advice regarding our lawn.
We have Santa Ana which went down in early April with pretty good soil prep considering the rock hard clay…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Project 360: Moved in :)

Can I have a stab at the record........ how about 11 weeks :roll:
Apparently one of the longest ever with the longest list of defects…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Henley Voyager 383- side yard blitz, pics 17/1

OMG :shock: I totally agree! Have H changed the way they do things now? How much better would that have been!
Here is what i…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

Will do! Sorry had a busy weekend and have not had the chance.
Probably one of the biggest issues we had towards the end was everything our ss had said he…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

Yeah, it's a pretty * job... there's a chunk out of the timber, and they've just painted over it. Before it looked like a bit of character... now it's…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Has anyone seen Olsen's Green Bio around Melbourne?

Thomastown has it (i got some recently), go outside to the plant section and walk all the way to the back to shed/shelter type thing where they keep all the…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:

Hi kelvinj, we built with Henley last year. What can I say, we are very happy with the house in the sense of the flooplan and layout (obviously cause that…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
What are these colours?

Yes it is licorice linea and im pretty sure the benchtop was osprey, it is a Henley display but i can remember which one.

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Im guessing no news is good news ::praying::

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

I have no words, so sorry Tillie :cry:

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Hi Tillie, I have been watching the progress of your build (or should i say lack of lately) and i just feel so sorry for you.
It is so unfair…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
PD Brookvale 45 ...No PCI, No Handover....bit of a vent...

Your place is looking fantastic overwhelmed, well done on all your selections ::
Can I ask what paint brand and colour your walls are? Thanks.

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Brickwork Issues

Hi Equinox
We too are disgusted with the contempt they show their customers (see viewtopic.php?f=31&t=24999) and the pathetic quality they expect us to accept that is not…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Final Inspection - How does that all work?

Hi Caroline, I feel your frustration.....
see viewtopic.php?f=31&t=24999
It amazes me how much peoples experiences with different builders vary. I think H gets a pretty good…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Hnley - 12 month inspection. Not happy.

Simon, the building commission standards and tolerances for exterior semitransparant stains says it is a defect if there is lifting, blistering, flaking or fading within 12 months, so yes they…

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Vent about technika ovens - UPDATE:Drilling Holes in Oven??

hhmmm, sounds very *******, dont stand for that ::angry::

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Here we go- and go and go and go

Dont mind me, just saw in one of your older posts that it is Igloo..... I need to go sample pot shopping :D

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Here we go- and go and go and go

Your house has come together really well, hopefully the maintenace doesn't cause too much mess!
Love the wall colour in these photos, is this where you have used Igloo?

15 years15 yearssnhousesnhouse posted:
Platinum Micro - Anyone got pics?

Hi Eljay, our laundry benchtop is platinum micro (cupboards are pearl grey). It is a really nice colour.

Hope this helps :)

Joined homeone
12 July 2008

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