9 years9 yearsMrT posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32
Things you forget - summary page 32
And another one - check which way your shower doors open, and whether they face towards where you'll have a towel rail, and whether there will be enough room for…
9 years9 yearsbigboytony posted:
Gladesville - NSW
Gladesville - NSW
There's a storm water drain down the street and we want to use sandbags or something to stop the mud from getting in on a bad rainy day. Any recommendations?…
9 years9 yearsgandn posted:
Finished per sqm costs for OB
Finished per sqm costs for OB
Agree with stewies comment. You need to compare apples with apples. Adding or deleting items can vary the costs in the tens of thousands. Saying that I am happy to…
9 years9 yearsBuilding4my3tots posted:
Custom home design Sydney - narrow block: WE ARE IN!
Custom home design Sydney - narrow block: WE ARE IN!
So much is happening internally that I can't catch up, had to spend a few hours onsite to tell the builder about the widening of window ledge, adding those feature…