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13 Posts
Junior Member



Joined 17 November 2021
Junior Member
2 years2 yearsgroundzerogroundzero posted:
Slab heave vcat expert report needed

Yes I can recommend some in Victoria send me a message.

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3 years3 yearsTheBlackMiniTheBlackMini posted:

I've had a similar thought...I'll have to play around with that!
I've got a spot next to the driveway which retains water and I'm going to install some drainage there…

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3 years3 yearsNonameNoname posted:

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand? There isn't an incorrectly sloped path any more. Where is the gap you speak of?
I've heard that bricks can have water pass through them,…

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3 years3 yearsTheBlackMiniTheBlackMini posted:

Thanks for the detailed response!
I live on an acreage, down a hill near a creek. I know water flows towards my house but for the most part it goes around…

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3 years3 yearsgroundzerogroundzero posted:

It's a process of elimination so one of the other possibilities is underground stormwater break which would possible flood during rainfall
also check your downpipes especially the boot which is…

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3 years3 yearsgroundzerogroundzero posted:
How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?

Yup you're spot on - we pair the sensors up as a minimum to give a 'control' and reference point away from the problem area and rather than saying X%…

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3 years3 yearsgroundzerogroundzero posted:
La niña vs el niño - slabs on clay

I can tell you the 3 things require for significant slab heave are 1.initial dry clay 2.highly or extremely reactive clay and then 3.a source of water.
I have seen hundreds…

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3 years3 yearsNonameNoname posted:
La niña vs el niño - slabs on clay

i think im good on the drainage aspect. Builder is on notice, seems to be a little more cognisant than others I've used and other sites of theirs I've visited…

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3 years3 yearsNonameNoname posted:
La niña vs el niño - slabs on clay

Thanks mate. I'm familiar with the aspects discussed etc. I haven't watched the video yet. Though before I do, does it answer the question?
I have an decent understanding of the…

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3 years3 yearsSaveH2OSaveH2O posted:
La niña vs el niño - slabs on clay

Your question is probably best asked on Matt's thread.
During the millenniun drought, most houses were build on dry soil and there was a high incidence during that time of established…

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3 years3 yearspsdillonpsdillon posted:
How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?

Thanks mate, PM sent.

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3 years3 yearspsdillonpsdillon posted:
How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?

I shot you a PM with my mobile number. Happy to chat and run through our approach in some more detail - we're adapting, evolving and improving all the time…

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3 years3 yearsMauromarioMauromario posted:
How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?

Pm me will have a chat.

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3 years3 yearsCracking everywhereCracking everywhere posted:
Slab heave/ slab design/ engineering questions.....

Hi all, I have a house that is less than one year old and is experiencing fairly serious slab heave. The builder of the house is denying any responsibility and…

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3 years3 yearsMauromarioMauromario posted:
Slab heave/ slab design/ engineering questions.....

Hi i may be bit late trying to help but your expert engineer is right,ive had the same but a lot more complex my slab actually spilt in 2 place…

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3 years3 yearsMauromarioMauromario posted:
How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?

Cornell group TradeX moisture metres pull up this company it has all sorts of moisture metres including moisture sensors that can be install these sensor and monitor them from…

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3 years3 yearspsdillonpsdillon posted:
How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?

Is there an economical way to monitor the soil moisture next to my slab to prevent slab heave? House is 1 year old on class P site with stiffened…

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3 years3 yearsMauromarioMauromario posted:
How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?

Get read of the garden bed for start you cannot have any gardens beds near your footing at all. With the airconditiner need to put a pipe that drains into…

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3 years3 yearsSaveH2OSaveH2O posted:
How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?

Going back +15 years, they use to drill small diameter holes lined with perforated pvc pipe and use neutron moisture meters to monitor moisture levels down to a few metres.…

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