Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
It will start tomorrow Charli!! I'm sure of it that's just one sleep!
And If not, I will drive down with SNS and help her build your frames too!…

Coral Capri 25- Week 6: Lining Stage
Congrats SNS!!! So glad to hear you got hand over yesterday! Have you been busy moving? When will you stay your first night? Hope your sipping wine and enjoying the…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Thanks gang! I used concrete paint (see pic) grabbed it from Bunnings. Cost about $180 and did two coats on a standard double garage with some
Left over. I chose "Slate…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Today I painted the garage floor! All by myself while hubster was at work!!!
I knnoooooowww right! I'm pretty amazing 🤣 (really I am softening him up so I can…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
thanks guys! Will post once it's sealed too
M A R C O O L A 3 2 - Coral homes

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Thanks all!!
M A R C O O L A 3 2 - Coral homes

Newlyweds First Home - Hallmark Homes Coomera QLD
Oh wow GC you are definately moving on!!! I love love love it! Those bedsides are perfect in your room! They were definately the correct ones so classy! It…

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
I seriously have chills thinking about how amazing your home is going to be, that huge shed, rain water, the big block. You are building my ideal dream setting…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
It sure does look spectacular sealed! Your driveway is so lovely
M A R C O O L A 3 2 - Coral homes

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Hi!! It turned out really good!! So everyone was right, they lower wash the concrete and then you see the rocks I'm soooooo glad I didn't stomp up to…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Exposed aggregate the black and white mix it's called Eclipse by Boral... or Tuxedo by other companies. Basically it's 50/50 black and white rock.

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
They are all bolted to the wall as we wanted them fixed permanently and removed skirting to have it flush against the wall. We aren't too bothered by that bit…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
For all my PAX lovers
Fiiiiinally completed our robe. It took the better part of forever to finish!! I bought too much and didn't fit the final two shells…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Ahhh, I see! Well that's not too bad a price at all really considering the products he would use and the time involved.
M A R C O O…

GJ Gardner - Rosewood 225 Modified - Riverstone Crossing
Agreed!! Facade looks great
M A R C O O L A 3 2 - Coral homes

Coral modified Stradbroke
Tiles and grout look Brill I agree with Mrs, seal your grout! I did it with Beaumont sealant (liquid was my preferred method, was longer to do then spay can…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Awesome Von!! You won't know yourself walking on such a schmick garage floor!! And no more concrete dust walking into your house you can prep the floor using…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Hi Lucy,
Our tiles from Beaumont's. I'm not sure what either tile is called as I can't find my variation but f your really want to find out I can…

RegVic-Hotondo Homes custome plan - Home improvements
Wow Reg! Your home is fantastic, absolutely love your floor colour... and your facade is so similar to mine. Love the pendant at the entrance. Can't wait to see your…

RegVic-Hotondo Homes custome plan - Home improvements
You wouldn't believe how hard it was to find your thread!! I have missed your whole build....! I have about half hour to catch up before the kidlets come looking…

RegVic-Hotondo Homes custome plan - Home improvements
Mine are the same as yours Von.... I want Reg's keys haha
M A R C O O L A 3 2 - Coral homes

Coral Capri 25- Week 6: Lining Stage
Not long to go SNS! Can't wait to see your post handover updates counting down with BD77
M A R C O O L A 3 2 …

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Thanks huni! So a sealed driveway will remain and even colour. Most have a shine or gloss in it, so it kind of has that dark, clean, wet look to…

Newlyweds First Home - Hallmark Homes Coomera QLD
Ps. This is my newly purchased rug from IKEA.... it's what I was thinking something similar would be nice with your interior. I love it (that's why I bought it…

First Home - Mango Hill, QLD
Those are my favourite colour bricks look good and going so fast
M A R C O O L A 3 2 - Coral homes

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Oh great!! You like the sealed look Von??
Personally I love it too, I was shocked to see so many homes with beautiful driveways and not sealed... I guess it's…

Newlyweds First Home - Hallmark Homes Coomera QLD
Hey GC...! How's everything going with your new home? How's the decorating? Are you all unpacked? Was thinking of you (generally when I'm doing daunting tasks like unpacking lol) x…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
This is happening right now!!!! Can't even hide my excitement.... I keep popping my head around the side sneaking a look
M A R C O O L…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Thanks everyone!
Yes Von, that corner bit is a pain! The Pax collection do a corner piece but it's to big or too short when I mix the combinations around…

Coral homes - Marcoola - Pimpama
Thanks x that was important for me to have it totally visable but still secure.
So it turns out the Brand is the "clear view by Invisiguard"
I really…