3m protected tree setback CDC tree protection measures
I found https://treenet.org/resource/tree-prote ... -it-right/ which states if tpz encroachment is greater than 30% then do not proceed. My question then is, is this binding, do…
3m protected tree setback CDC tree protection measures
CDC in NSW allows building envelope up to 3m of protected trees. What happens when said protected tree has a larger tree protection zone radius of, say, 10m. If the…
Volume Builder DA requesting tree removal
They said they didn't want the risk of council push back and delays, but I thought a bit of negotiation with tree removal is standard part of DA process. I…
Volume Builder DA requesting tree removal
Hi all,
I heard back from a volume builder that they wouldn't go ahead with lodging a DA with council that include requiring the removal of a tree. Is this normal…
House Designs making use of wide (~ 20m) frontage
I'm wondering if there are any home builders in the Sydney region that specialize in home designs that make best use of wide (20m) frontage. A lot of the volume…
Home builders for battleaxe block in Hornsby LGA
Hi all,
I'm looking for recommendations for home builders in the Hamptons style in the Hornsby LGA, for two storey builds on battle-axe blocks.