Our house in the middle of the street _ Splash of green!
Sorry to hear DD
Did they say how long does it take?
Build northern nsw- Landscaping pics
Looking great livpal! Very happy for you
Gj Gardener Ferrara Shoalhaven - Updated 13oct
Wow! Beautiful! You are nearly there
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
Thank you all I was busy removing all the stuff out of container, sorting out, cleaning and washing every single piece from every single box…
Custom build on 40 acres - DH's house warming present
Beautiful and comfy!! Your puppy got the best place
Our house in the middle of the street _ Splash of green!
You will get there DD! Not much longer and you will enjoy your new home
Our house in the middle of the street _ Splash of green!
Great news DD!! We are waiting for the photos!!
Build northern nsw- Landscaping pics
Yes, the tiling job time was going for ages at our place as well. I was thinking he will never be ready but there is…
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
For those who couldn't open the photos, all of them are on my blog as well. You can see them here: http://uniquebyeva.com.au/ourhome/handover/
I hope its working now…
Build northern nsw- Landscaping pics
All good here We just moved in! You can see the handover photos in my thread Very happy that the building…
Build northern nsw- Landscaping pics
Looking great livpal Very good progress!!
First Build–modified Bayside30 by Stylemaster:After Handover
OMG! Sorry to hear about the trouble jlc. It is always very disappointing.... I've seen that you moved in already, didn't you? Thats even double trouble with all the mess…
Our house in the middle of the street _ Splash of green!
Waiting,waiting and more waiting... hehehe tell me about it DD but you will get there and I'm sure it will be worth it
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
Thank you very much Yes, we are very happy to finally have the keys!
@M+J, sorry, I have no idea why you cannot open the photos....
Our house in the middle of the street _ Splash of green!
Not much longer DD Looking great! Do you already have the finishing/handover date??
Build northern nsw- Landscaping pics
Love your tiles selection livpal I haven't been here for a while but it looks like everything is going pretty quick!! Very happy for you…
Custom build on 40 acres - DH's house warming present
Your kitchen is beautiful MnT!! Looking forward to the handover photos!!!
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
Main bedroom, the floors look much better now after the 6 weeks dust is gone
Walk in Robe…
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
Main bathroom
Showers in ensuite and main bathroom are both pretty much the same
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
Walk in pantry
More photos in a minute
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
Yes! We got the keys Very happy that the building process is over …
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
Thank you MnT Everything has been sorted out and we just had the handover on Friday!!
Our Hillview build
I can feel your pain H+J. We are in a similar position... sort of... We have received the practical completion payment invoice on the 25th of July but found some…
First Home Build - QLD - Dixon Homes (Brumby House)
wow! so much happened at your place already!! Looking great Bonnie! Love it
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
Thank you all!
The screens/windows people were here last Monday and AGAIN!! they didn't finish everything.... How good is that??!! should this be…
Our house in the middle of the street _ Splash of green!
Looking great DD! Love the outside colours how they come together now
Build northern nsw- Landscaping pics
Looking great livpal What a progress!! Very happy for you
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
We are still waiting to get some of the defects fixed....We are patient but its starting to be annoying....
According to the builder we could…
Our Acreage Home with GJ Gardner
The builder/owner of the GJ Hervey Bay had come by himself to us today to discuss all issues after he received an email from us on weekend. It makes us…
Coral Homes Modified Daydream 30 - Colours
Looking great Daydream You've done lot of work there already! Well done!