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206 Posts
Bronze Member

206PostsMost Active Topics


South East QLD
Joined 23 February 2009
Bronze Member
14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Colorbond Colours- Please help?!

We have our house and shed in Ironstone and Dune. Rendered house. Have a look at my thread for this colour combo.

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Emma's build! PCI and Handover 10th Feb! Yippeee!!!

Good to hear. It looks great from the outside :)

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Render and Expansion Gaps

We have a fully rendered house. The expansion gaps are filled with a rubber type product similar to your pic but also seems to have something like gapfiller (you know…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Our dream house in Flagstone

Why the warning against the light???? We have friends with dark bench tops and they always look smeared. We have a medium colour (Sahara I think) in our bathrooms…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Our dream house in Flagstone

We have avalanche on our kitchen benches. I LOVE it!!!! And our laundry floors are essential mocha. Good choices.

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Our dream house in Flagstone

We built the retreat at the beginning of the year at New Beith. Looking forward to watching your build.

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Emma's build! PCI and Handover 10th Feb! Yippeee!!!

Let me know when and I can stop as I walk past and take more pics to upload for you. Of course, that will only work for outside pics.…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Cairns Build - Better Homes Queensland - 1st builders clean!

Fabulous plan!!! Can't wait to see the final product.

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
what could this be?????

Sounds like the pipes and power for your spa pump. Someone had a q like this a little while ago. Like you they didn't like the look of it…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
HSTP plans?

We are on an acre and knew how we wanted the house positioned to allow access to the backyard for a shed and the pool. We actually wanted our…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
HSTP plans?

Where are you?
We are south of Brisbane and our builder organised all the HSTP stuff. We didn't need to do anything. Perhaps there has been some confusion between…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Your bench thickness

Another for the mix.
We have 20mm on the back bench and 40mm on the island bench. Guess it depends on the colours you have chosen and which bits…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Emma's build! PCI and Handover 10th Feb! Yippeee!!!

After our plans for our shed were approved by their private certifyer they sent us a copy of the paper work. You have 6 month (I'm pretty sure) from…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Emma's build! PCI and Handover 10th Feb! Yippeee!!!

We also used Kam for our shed (though we had the slab done by a friend who does work for them anyway), and they were great. When the building…

14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
How did you find out about Homeone?

Damn google!!!! I am blaming them for my addiction. If not for the all mighty google where would we all be........searching the net for other worthless and far…

  ⋅  1
14 years14 yearsseastseast posted:
Plantation/Henley Emperor - Interior and shed pics

Love the plan. Must be one of their newer ones. We are just up the road from you at Teviot Downs and built with Plantation at the beginning…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
Anyone painted with the Dulux metallic colours?

You may have seen these pics of mine in Jazz and Brett's thread.
I did the wall behind our bed in main bedroom in the metallic called Neutral Intrigue. Only did…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
Our pool journey begins - pool being filled before xmas

Awesome view to take photos from. Can't wait to see it all finished. The view overlooking should be wonderful. Which pool company are you using? PM if…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
How thick for reconstituted stone benchtops?

We have 20mm on the benches against the wall and 40mm on the island bench. Plenty of pics on my thread if you want to see the two side…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
House That Jazz & Brett Built - Good Friday Deluge + Happy E

Dulux paint -Neutral Intrigue is the colour. No undercoat (other than the wall colour already done by the house painters) Used a wide brush and just whacked it on…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
Anyone's dune painted render really purple?

Ours is painted dune and we have a colourbond shed in dune. We were so happy when the shed went up and loved the colour. Our house definately…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
'Retreat'-ing to our Pl@ntation-A fence and a deck. pics 7/8

I walk up there quite regularly. Will have to keep an eye out. We are on B### Rd. Our house is pretty distinctive, not too many with dark…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
'Retreat'-ing to our Pl@ntation-A fence and a deck. pics 7/8

Floors are by Andersens. Carpet is called Applique II Reflex on Prestige underlay but paperwork doesn't say the colour. We were tossing up between this one which is…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
Emma's build! PCI and Handover 10th Feb! Yippeee!!!

Yeah! Neighbours. Looking forward to watching you progress.

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
'Retreat'-ing to our Pl@ntation-A fence and a deck. pics 7/8

Thanks. We will do another deck out the back but need to put a patio on first. We have been spending all our time out the front trying to…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
'Retreat'-ing to our Pl@ntation-A fence and a deck. pics 7/8

Can't wait for the weather to warm up more so we can plant some more and see these ones grow.

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
'Retreat'-ing to our Pl@ntation-A fence and a deck. pics 7/8

Winter in Brisbane......25 degrees every day. Never had such a warm winter. Certainly good for getting all those yard jobs done before the heat of summer kicks in.…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
'Retreat'-ing to our Pl@ntation-A fence and a deck. pics 7/8

Thanks. Would love for it all to be done NOW! :lol:
Bricks were free...left overs from the house. And the internet and bunnings…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
'Retreat'-ing to our Pl@ntation-A fence and a deck. pics 7/8

So just an update of what the last couple of months have held for us. Super exciting landscaping. We now have most of a front fence (still needs…

15 years15 yearsseastseast posted:
Downlights in bathrooms

Hope these help. Difficult to get a shot of everything as it is quite a large ensuite.
This is the room at night with everything except the heatlight…

Joined homeone
23 February 2009

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