15 years15 years
searchengineguy posted:
Annual Termite inspection
Annual Termite inspection
$180 sounds like its too cheap! They must do just a visual inspection without thermal imaging or Termatrac. You can't buy termiticide in large amounts to protect your…
4 years4 years
searchengineguy posted:
New build and possum in roof
New build and possum in roof
I would contact the builder and ask him to proof it for you. You shouldn't have rodents entering it 3 months after construction.
4 years4 years
searchengineguy posted:
New build and possum in roof
New build and possum in roof
Hi, possums make a LOT of noise, it's like having a small dog in your roof! Are there any tree branches overhanging your roof? Rodents are a real…
15 years15 years
searchengineguy posted:
Anti Termites
Anti Termites
Also you should consider getting regular termite inspections. I recommend that you get a thermal imaging report and Termatrac inspection as it is the most thorough and accurate method…
Joined homeone
9 October 2010