Provincial Homes
We must have literally come in after/before you, we had our handover today too!!! Very exciting day, it went from seeing the house we are building to having the…
Provincial Homes
Hi, we are about a week or so away from finishing up, very exciting. For the person who hopes for Christmas final date, we were also ready to start…
Provincial Homes
Things have come along a lot since I last posted. Slab, frame, bricks. Delays have been minor since they go the slab started, although they were miles behind…
Provincial Homes
Tiling quote is back, there is no huge shock, but....
They made us sign a sheet saying they would cut the tiles around the floor waste if they were greater than…
Provincial Homes
Hi guys, back with a belated update. Everything has started now, Provincial excavated the block, didn't look too much different to what I'd imagined, there was a scare that…
Provincial Homes
I was going to bring out all my dirty laundry here, but figured a lot of it is my own problems, and probably not applicable to many, if any here.…
Provincial Homes
Sorry, probably way too late for this answer, but here goes:
- seeing our actual brick shortlist in person
Brick companies will give you addresses of houses they have built with each…
Provincial Homes
Congrats, very exciting. We are mid way through colour/electrical selection, so it's fresh in our minds, feel free to ask more specific questions. You can add a lot…
Provincial Homes
It's been a very busy few weeks. Visiting all sorts of display centres, researching etc before colour selections, which has now come and gone, though still need to finalise…
Provincial Homes
We managed to get Provincial on the same page as us. Everything is so much better for us if it's 6m from the road, and any costs that go…
Provincial Homes
We aren't off the ground just yet. Plans have come back twice, but it seems to go from bad to worse. Firstly, we were hoping to build as…
Provincial Homes
Just signed up to Provincial building Nu Caprice 35 in Ryde, Sydney. So far Provincial has been good to deal with, but the big work is obviously all ahead…