7 years7 yearsrsammut posted:
Seymour Road Ropes Crossing
Seymour Road Ropes Crossing
Hey I imran suhail have you heard anything about the block in currently negotiating leaving the contract
7 years7 yearsrsammut posted:
Seymour Road Ropes Crossing
Seymour Road Ropes Crossing
Thanks for the info
According to my conveyencer its completly illegal for them to wait out a clause then sell it again for a higher price anyway.
7 years7 yearsrsammut posted:
Seymour Road Ropes Crossing
Seymour Road Ropes Crossing
Hey yea i bought it in 2015 from trifalga aswell spoke to them in january this year they said they were startin in feb but obviously not
Then two…
7 years7 yearsrsammut posted:
Seymour Road Ropes Crossing
Seymour Road Ropes Crossing
Hey yea i too bought a 3 bed room appartment and struggle to find answers on whats goin on
Joined homeone
3 March 2018