Henley Homes
I would mention it to them, just in case. Will save time in the long run for them if they know about it and something needs to be done.

Henley Homes
Hi tns. I haven't tried home assurance department yet. Maybe that's the next move. Then onto legal action. Given these things were all in the nhp documents and they haven't…

Henley Homes
I have heard of Ss's that are like that fev. Seems you were very unlucky! They really should listen to the owners requests!

Henley Homes
Tiveena, we found a few issues. One was a bit of a contentious issue which they didn't fix. It was where they have the star pickets to hold…

Henley Homes
We had fixed costs and they assured me we wouldn't have to pay for an upgrade. We ended up having to upgrade the slab and weren't charged.

Henley Homes
We have had them on weekends on and off. Depends on what they want to do as they are subcontracted. They get paid for a job I think,…

Henley Homes
Did Hitman have the double glazed windows too? He built same house as us with the large 3 panel windows. There is another example for you too.

Henley Homes
Thanks Jessicana. Do they try to fill and sand it or something to make it less obvious? Spoke to my SS and told him I didn't like it…

Henley Monaco Nouveau Q1 - The Eyrie Laurimar
Hey Hitman,
Who did you end up getting to do your fences? Also I see that you have the stepped fence and it starts in front of your house. …

Henley Homes
So we have hit a bit of a snag with our bricks. Austral are saying a few months before they get them in. Henley have found the brick…

Henley Homes
We aren't 100% happy with the fence they have put up. If they do approach us to pay we will ask them to change the fence. It is ok for…

Henley Homes
We used to go on site all the time! I would then contact our SS asap with any issues and he would get them fixed or at least he…

Henley Homes
Ours was the opposite and poured short so they had to put structural concrete in. I guess the way it is might affect the bricking of the house? Are…

Henley Homes
Hi all,
So we had our NHP 5 weeks ago. Hardly anything was actually fixed in the 2 week time frame, but we ended up settling 2.5 weeks ago with…

Henley Homes
Hi TiVeena. We just had the inspector. I think Henley get their own surveyor in to check it out too.

Henley Homes
Yep mirz I agree. Our SS has been really great and accommodating. I think if you get too agro about things it gets them offside. Definitely a…

Henley Homes
Thanks fev. We have the inspection report which is great to go off. Our SS is pretty good so hopefully we wont have the issues you have had.…

Henley Homes
As fev has said, if you can get an inspector that is the best way to go. We have had one at slab, frame, pre-plaster and pre-handover. I…

Henley Homes
Can anyone advise how long the pre-handover phase takes? We had painter and tiler finish this week. Really want to book in our flooring and driveway, but without…

Henley Homes
Was based on results from soil tests once the land titled and they could do the site survey etc.

Henley Homes
Hehe understandable! Our brickies took forever and I was getting annoyed with that.
We are getting impatient not knowing a handover date. When do they normally tell you? …

Henley Homes
I was thinking that pearz. I would query exactly why it's too heavy as many single story homes have these windows. Might be that having the weight of the second…

Henley Homes
We have two 21x24 windows (3 panels) in our family and dining which are double glazed. We are only single story though.

Henley Homes
Hi all,
So I went to check out how our build is going and noticed that the stone benchtop where the cooktop and ovens are has a join in it. …

Henley Homes
Wow I just caught up with all your posts. Can't believe the troubles you are all having with admin! Ours have been fantastic. We must have hit…

Henley Homes
That is bank dependent..but I doubt it . Do you have a property now you can secure it against?

Henley Homes
Thanks Ilaeria. Let's hope that's the case. I would be happy with not paying!