6 years6 yearsRonsha posted:
Kemgrout haze, left too long on porcelain tiles
Kemgrout haze, left too long on porcelain tiles
If just a haze try car cutting compound.
Tape the grout area apply compound to the haze and hand buff.
Once done.. Wipe with detergent as tile will be…
6 years6 yearsRonsha posted:
Building with Coral
Building with Coral
So just did another quote from coral on the same house plan differ by sales agent...the slab fixed price of 20k now with same mods but the total price for…
6 years6 yearsRonsha posted:
Coral Homes – Grange 29 (St Kilda façade) HB/QLD
Coral Homes – Grange 29 (St Kilda façade) HB/QLD
Did your site cost vary by much as to what you were quoted before and after the soil test.did the slabs require any piering.
Am about to build with coral so…
6 years6 yearsRonsha posted:
Building with Coral
Building with Coral
Just got quoted 13k for a M class slab by coral excluding piers.Plantation quoted me 9k for H1.
Any one else got any quotes on slab design .
Also what is the…
Joined homeone
25 October 2018